Chapter 9

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  "Y/N? Y/N? Cmon babes, wake up"
"H-huh? Beetlejuice?" I asked half awake "What time is it, BJ?"
"7 o'clock on the dot"
I sprang out of bed, almost barrelling into Beetlejuice "AH FUCK I HAVE 10 MINUTES UNTIL THE BUS COMES" I shouted as I ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. BJ followed me. "Is my mom still here?" I asked him.
"Nah, she shouted something at you but you were dead as me!" he laughed. I aggressively brushed my teeth as quickly as possible, getting toothpaste all over my mouth and chin. "Aw babe you make this too easy for me." he said, laughing. I spit out the toothpaste and ran back to my room, hairbrush in hand. "Damn, you're a spitter, eh?" he snarkily remarked but I ignored him, I didn't have time today. His eyebrows furrowed and he crossed his arms "you are really not a morning person, Y/N"

"Yeah no shit, BJ. I'm gonna be late for the bus"
"Why? Babe I can literally teleport you to school" I stopped in my tracks, he could do that. I sighed in relief and flopped on my bed, not even dressed for school yet.
"Goddammit Beetlejuice" I laughed. "Can you poof me there in 20? I still want to have time to talk with my friends.
" 'Course babe, what are their names again?"
"Sean, he's the coolest out of all of them, I spend basically my entire day with him, Fabio, he's cool but a little paranoid, and Matt who has barely spoken 4 words to me or anyone, he just kinda stares" I said
"You know... I can disguise as a high schooler and join you at school! Then I can watch out for your scumbag friends" he said
"Jealous, are we?" I asked "it's fine, you're still my favorite ghost"
"Good! I better be above those Pottery Barn loving Maitlands" he huffed.
"I gotta get dressed and make lunch, see you downstairs in 5"
"Alright babes"

Just like BJ said he would, he teleported me to school where I said goodbye to him and met up with my friends in a circle.
"Hey guys" I said
"Hey Y/N, you weren't on the bus today, I figured you ditched" Sean laughed
"Nah, my mom drove me" I lied
"Nice, nice. We're talking about the Welcome Back Ball, who you bringing to the dance, Fabs?" he asked Fabio
"I don't fuck with that date shit. It always goes bad" he said
"Fabio, you're such a square" I chimed in
"Hey now Y/N, you said you weren't going" Sean said, smuggly "that sounds more square-like than Mister 'I'm not even gonna try to get a date' over here"
"Well I'm probably not! I don't even know what I would wear and I don't know nearly enough people in this school to get a date" I said, shrugging.
"I'm sure Fabio would loooove to take you" Sean said, pushing me towards Fabio while making kissing noises
"EW! Sean stop! I'd never go with FABIO" I said, all of us laughing. The bell soon rang and Sean and I went to our shared first hour.

The 3 classes before lunch dragged on since I hadn't gotten enough sleep that night. I also had a bit of a stuffed nose since BJ took me out late last night in the cold. Sean and Fabio went to the lunch line and I sat down alone with Matt. Usually, Fabio packs his lunch but he said he couldn't be bothered today. I've stopped trying to talk to Matt, he either doesn't answer or gives a half-baked response, so I just sat there eating the sandwich I packed. There was a note in my lunchbox that I didn't write, it was from Beetlejuice

    Dear Y/N,
I know we stayed out late last night but I have another adventure for us. I really want to see the stars with you and maybe get some grub, dead guy's treat. I'll see you when you get home

             - The Ghost with the Most

I smiled at this, it was cute. Plus, I'd love to go out with him again. Oh, BJ.
"What's got you so giddy?" Matt asked me, which scared the shit out of me since this is the only full sentence he's ever said to me.
"O-oh. It's just a note from my mom" I laughed "it's so corny but I appreciate when she gives them to me" I lied
"Oh. Well earlier when we were talking with the guys, do you seriously not plan on going to the dance?" he asked me
"It's not my top priority right now, so I guess not" I said
"Well... Would you like to go with me? If you plan on going that is." he asked me.
What the fuck, this guy has never spoken to me before and now he wants me to be his date?
"I- I dunno... If I go then sure but-"
"Perfect, I'll get us a limo" he said
"Wait I-"

"Hey Hey! You ask them yet Matt?" Sean asked as he sat down
Matt nodded
"You say yes, Y/N?" Fabio said to me, sounding mildly concerned
"I- if I'm going then yeah. I guess I'll go with him..." I said, nervously
"You don't sound very excited, Y/N." Matt said in a voice that sent shivers down my spine.
"Nope! I am! I just have no idea what to wear is all" I laughed it off. How am I going to tell Beetlejuice?

You Could Use a Buddy {Beetlejuice x Reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora