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You ready for this," dad said as I got into position on his left.

"Dad, I'm just-I'm not fast enough yet." Nora said on his right.

"You can always back out and let the professionals race." I said with a grin.

"Hey, no backing out now. This is the biggest race of your lives." he said to both of us."Now, get ready, set, go!"

I admit that my start was shaky, but after regaining my balance, it was game on. 

Behind me Nora was still struggling to gain speed without falling, she might be fast on her feet but the ice was not her thing. 

Dad on the other hand has definitely had some practice, and I now know why he suggested ice skating. I was so close to passing him until I almost ran into a group of little kids, forcing me to make an emergency stop. By the time I was able to maneuver around them, Dad had won.

"I win!" He said as I skated towards him." better luck next time."

"I could have won if it wasn't for those kids."

"Second place isn't bad." dad said." It's just not first." He laughed before skating away.

"At least I'm not in last place," I yelled, referring to Nora who had barely moved around the ice rink.

"passing through!" I said skating between mom and dad before catching up with Nora.

"On you left!" I said.

"How are you so good at this?" Nora said, almost falling.

I grabbed her hand to help her balance.

"It's just like running except your in skates." I replied, pretending to run.

"And your on ice." She added.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better I'm not Sherloque good." I pointed to Sherloque as he did a nearly perfect figure eight.

"That's not surprising." Nora said as we both chuckled.

"Watch out!" I heard someone say before I fell backward.

"I'm so sorry, baby flash. I couldn't stop." He groaned."This is why I wore a helmet." he yelled as I stood up.

"I'm okay, I think you broke my fall." I said as Nora and I helped him up.

" This is why we don't put baby giraffes in skates." Sherloque said skating around us as Ralph fell again."Now, back to the lab, we must go!"


"Madames et monsieur's," Sherloque began."May I present to you, La Machine à Mémoire" He said snatching the sheet off of a large machine.

"What is that?" I whispered to Nora who shrugged.

"The memory machine." I heard Mom say.

"Oui, iris. Memory Machine. Many times-" he began pacing." -I have entered people's minds using this very technology."

"So you plan to use this on Cicada's daughter?" I stated.

"Oui, Dawn, we can enter into Grace's mind ." he turned to me as Cisco entered the cortex.

"I come back from Tannhauser for one second, and what do I find?" Cisco began." this-this-"

"Machine à Mémoire." Sherloque finished for him.

Dawn West-Allen: Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now