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I'm not sure how I made it back to the lounge couch but from the feel of it, I was definitely there. It felt like my body was being crushed by fifty-pound weights, And I was beyond tired. I didn't even bother to open my eyes as I regained more of my senses. My ears were still slightly ringing and the back of my head was aching. On the other side, I could feel someone holding my hand and a distant man's voice.

"Caitlyn said everything came back clean, but some of the energy from Nora's lightning bolt might've transferred from me to her!" I Heard the flash voice. "It wasn't enough energy to cause damage but her body is in shock from the overload of energy so she could be out for a couple of hours."

"I feel so guilty, I didn't mean for this to happen!" I heard Nora's voice."I just wanted-"

"We know!" a much closer women's voice said calming her down."we know you didn't mean it but this is why we have to be careful, Nora!"

"I know I just..." Nora's voice cut out.

"Dawns goings to be fine!" the voice said as I felt somebody squeeze my hand.

The other voice was Mom.

The room fell silent before the sound of Caitlyn's voice projected from the speaker asking for Barry and Nora.

"You guys go I'll stay here!" mom said." she'll be fine I promise!"

I heard the sound of footsteps moving further and further away.

"Are you coming?" Nora questioned.

"Uh, yes, I'll catch up with you!" I heard flash say.

"Okay!" Nora said followed by footsteps.

It was quiet until mom spoke up.

"What it is?" mom questioned.

"Right, before the lightning bolt hit, Dawn-"  flash started.

I suddenly began to feel extremely sleepy and their voices drifted farther and farther away from me.

"No!" I thought as I tried fighting it but I eventually succumbed to the black hole I was falling into.

This happened several times during the entire ordeal however something changed the last time. I felt different, I felt... comfortable? I lunged forward, breathing hard as if I was in a nightmare. This wasn't S.T.A.R lab's couch. I looked around the room trying to find something familiar but it was too dark beside the ambient light shining through the thin curtains. I heard a snore coming from across the room. My head darted in that direction to see where it came from. As my eyes adjusted to the dark I could see a figure laying on a couch across from me.

"Nora?" I mumbled.

The figure snored louder in response indicating that it was Nora.

I tossed the blanket to the side, noticing I was wearing a pair of unfamiliar Pajamas as I approached her.

"Nora?" I whispered as she snored again." Nora, wake up!" I whispered louder.

"What-what?" she mumbled in a sleep state.

"Where are we and how did we get here?" I whispered frantically.

"Dawn?" Nora said turning her head to face me slightly waking up."I'm glad to see you up-"

"Yeah, me too but where are we?" I rushed her to answer." and how did we get here?"

Nora yawned as she thought about my question.

"...Uhm, we're at mom and dad's loft?" she yawned for the second time."

"What?" I mumbled." when did we get here -wait how long was I out?"

Dawn West-Allen: Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now