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After a painful night of sleeping on the lounge couch and listening to Nora snore, it was time to tell the rest of the team about the future. Flash gathered everyone at Papa joes house, While Nora and I discussed how to leave Thawne out of our story. They weren't ready for that part of our journey.

We sat at the front of the room as everyone stared. I took a deep breath to calm myself before we told team flash; I didn't want to say the wrong thing from being nervous.

 I began explaining that our time machine wasn't destroyed and was back home in the future. Nora explained the negative tachyon enhancer we used to dampen her speed.  Everyone seemed to be taking the information okay except for Cisco, who was mad about a potential Fiji trip.

"Why didn't you guys tell us about this before?" mom questioned as everyone else waited for the answer.

Flash nodded, giving Nora the okay to tell them. She raised her arm while pressing a button on her gauntlet. 16 years later: Flash still missing in black letters projected from the device.

"Oh my God!" Caitlyn blurted out.

"Barry never returns?" mama Cecile said right after.

Silence loomed over the room as they stared at the article in disbelief.

"That's why you two came here!" papa joe started." to see your father, because you were raised without him."

Nora stopped projecting the article as everyone let it sink in.

"So what!" mom stood up."so what that article says you never come back! so what if the other one says you vanished! I mean, it's said other things before, right?- we made it say other things before!" mom said as everyone nodded in agreement.

"So what the future ever the future brings- we are going to deal with it when it gets here!" mom continued." and change it if we need to!"


Later that day, I was looking for Nora and the time journal. We had to update Thawne on what was happening, but I couldn't find her anywhere. Her disappearing has slowly become an issue, a super annoying issue. I entered the vortex room where I found mom sitting at the monitors.

"Hey mom, have you seen Nora?" I questioned, walking towards her.

"I think she's at CCPD with dad!" mom said, writing something down in a small notebook before sticking it in her purse.

"Of course she is!" I mumbled.

"I was heading out to follow a lead for an article, and I could drop you off ?" she said, throwing her bag over her shoulder.

"No thanks, ill catch up with Nora later" I replied, "what kind of article are you writing?"I questioned.

"I got a tip that gridlock did not make it to iron heights, and I was going to ask captain Singh about it!" mom replied.

"A meta-human escaped custody? schway! Can-can I come with you?" I said shyly, expecting the answer to be no.

"You want to come with me?" mom replied smiling as I nodded." yeah, sure! " she nodded.

Saying I was excited is an understatement. Future mom would have never let me help her investigate a meta-human article; unless it was something boring like proofreading. It's hard to believe that past mom and future mom is the same person.

Mom had gotten a tip that captain Singh was investigating at an old wear house on the other side of town. The building was surrounded by CCPD, who were hard at work looking for Evidence.  Mom parked across the street since the parking lot was blocked with police tape. We easily walked past the police officers who were more concerned with working to even notice we were there.

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