"You might say that it's over, you might say that you don't care, oh. You might say you don't miss me, you don't need me. But I know that you do, and I feel that you do, inside, oh—oh, love takes time."

"To heal when you're hurting so much, couldn't see that I—I was so blind, to let you go. Oh, I can't explain the pain inside, 'cause love takes time, I don't want to be here. I don't wanna be here, alone . ."

After the song had ended, it transcended to Listen which the fans were entirely familiar with, considering the entire crowd was singing along with her lyrics.

The movie was doing its right amount of success being that it's been two weeks since it's release. And not only was Milani able to build a very tight bond with Whitney, but she was able to meet with her character's previous actor from the broadway musical who gave her, her props and flowers for portraying her role so well.

It was also set out to be one of the most expensive films, being $80 million — to ever be made upon an African American film production and starring cast in American Film history. The start of 1995 was already going well in Milani's favor, she hoped it had stayed that way. But knowing how her life was? It was a big hope.

After Milani had wrapped up her small performance, she walked over to the couch, embracing Toni into a warm embrace before she sat down on the cozy sofa. "I'm so happy to be interviewing you today, the fans and everybody else have missed you dearly."

"Thank you, and I missed you all as well. Even though the break was very much needed." She smiled, giving divided attention towards the crowd and Toni. "Now although you had stepped away from the spotlight, how was your life going now that you didn't have to deal with the overwhelming feelings I'm sure you had felt being how successful you are?"

"Well, I knew that I couldn't entirely distance myself from music, you know? So I spend most of my time, filming movies and recording, producing or writing songs for other artists. But it was very enjoyable, nonetheless. I didn't feel under pressure to do certain things, I was in my own time frame." She nodded, placing the loose strands of her behind her ear.

"Before you had let out a statement in regards of your hiatus, you had recently welcomed a daughter into the world with DeVanté Swing from the R&B group, Jodeci. How has entering the chapter of motherhood been for you?" The audience awed as a picture of Milani and Malia, with her face not shown, shown on the big screen behind her. Milani's smile grew wide at the mention of her daughter.

"Motherhood has been the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. It's not easy, but it's something that I cherish, deeply. She's a very beautiful baby, who just turned one in December, and is growing very fast. She truly helped me find myself." She gushed, before she took her bottom lip in.

"We've also came to realization, entering the new year . . . we haven't heard or seen much of you and DeVante as of lately. Is there somehow trouble in paradise? If so, has somebody else came into the picture?" Milani pulled both her lips inward, debating on whether she should speak on their relationship or not.

"Uhm, no. Unfortunately, me and DeVante are no longer together, but we are very much on the best of terms, co-parenting our daughter, Malia together. He's a very loving father to our daughter, and she is always his number one priority. As of right now, I'm more focused on my music rather than my relationship status." Milani slightly hinted for her to change the subject, which she surely did.

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