Founder's Day

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The Battle of Willow Creek, September 25th, 1864.

Ah yes, what a wonderful day to recreate on a fucking float for Founder's day.

Although, the outfits that some people are wearing are pretty damn accurate for 145 years ago. I honestly don't know if Stefan dug one of his old outfits out or if it was provided. I seriously thought J was trapped in a nightmare when he came down in the outfit.

It's even worse at school, people dressed up as Confederate Soldiers with fake guns and everything. There's also the modern outfits, cheerleaders, marching band, and the onlookers who were lucky enough to not be a member of the Miss Mystic Court.

"Look at you, all retro." Damon mocks as we walk up to Stefan.

"What are you doing here?" Stefan asks, taking up pace with Damon and I.

"Why wouldn't I be here?" Damon responds. "Bonnie deactivated the Gilbert invention. Isobel's gone. And it's Founder's day. I'm here to eat cotton candy and steal your girl."

"Don't start with me, Damon." Stefan warns.

"Oh, you started it, Stefan. With that whole 'I'm insecure leave Elena alone' speech." Damon replies "I'm just enjoying that."

"As long and you heard it." Stefan says.

"Huh? What?" Damon lifts his hand to his ear, leaning in to hear Stefan better.

"You have no sense of humor, Stefan." I point out at his sarcastic chuckle.

"Actually, I just have no sense of twin humor." Stefan starts to walk away.

"Twin humor? Hey, look. I get it. I get it." Damon says catching up to Stefan. "I'm the, better, hotter, superior choice." That's debatable. "And you're scared now that Katherine's out of the picture that I'm gonna turn all my attention to Elena. But don't worry. Elena is not Katherine."

"You're right. She's not." Stefan agrees, I follow Damon's line of vision to see Elena looking even more like Katherine than Katherine.

"But she sure looks like her." I whisper. As Elena grins and curtsies.
Damon and I walked away from Stefan and Elena, and eventually fell away from each other.

By now, I've gotten bored, since Bonnie has gone back to silent treatment, and Caroline is busy with the parade stuff.
"Let's give a big hand to the Mystic Falls High School marching band." Carol Lockwood yells over the drums of the band as they start the parade, two cheerleaders holding a sign indicating who they were walking in front of them. "And for a little local history Mr. Saltzman's students have recreated Virginia's battle of Willow Creek."

The float drives bay, a few kids dressed as soldiers sitting up front, a few messing around with their fake guns, like Tyler pretending to shoot at someone else.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome our stunning Miss Mystic Falls court and their handsome escorts."

The court float goes by, all the girls dressed in gowns, with Caroline and Matt at the end, higher above the rest, her sash indicating the at she was the winner of Miss Mystic.

"This is Caroline Forbes, Miss Mystic Falls. Aren't they beautiful?"

I notice Elena's demeanor change, noticing Damon standing right up front in the crowd.

I'm pretty sure I just heard the words 'thank you' one from my brother. Thought it's hard to tell with all the commotion.

"Let's hear it for the Mystic Falls High School football team. Alright! Let's show them our support, everybody."

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