Lost Girls

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Mystic Falls, Virginia 1864

Katherine Pierce.

The woman by that name would be showing up to the Salvatore Boarding house today.

Or now. As I look out my bedroom window I see a carriage stop in front of the house and my younger brother walk out.

Present day

Not being able to trust any of the animal blood in the fridge, I went out hunting all night to gain my strength back after being starved for 3 days.

Though my fun will have to end when the sun comes up, due to my younger brother stealing my daylight ring.

I ended up finding Damon, eating a group of junkies, one of them being Vickie.

I help him start to burn the bodies but before we set them ablaze, we make a call you about little brother.

"Hello?" He answers

"We want our rings." Damon demands.

"Where are you?" Stefan asks.

"We're at the sizzler." I say as Damon grabs a stick and lights it.

"I had the buffet." Damon adds.

"Where are our rings?" I ask.

"I don't have them. Where are you? What have you done?" I hear a slight panic in our brothers voice.

"No, what have you done? Your the one that locked us in the basement and starved us, so whatever I've done, whoever I've sucked dry is on you, buddy." Damon says, while walking around the cemetery and setting fire to the bodies.

"You're being careless. How many more animal attacks is this town gonna believe, huh?" Stefan asks.

"I know how to cover my tracks, Stefan. Where are our rings?" Damon demands.

"I gave them to Zach to hide." Damon perks up, panic flows through both our bodies. "Probably shouldn't have killed him."

"Ah, you almost got us. Where are they?" I say, knowing Stefan wouldn't be that dumb.

"I'll get them back, but I need time." He says darkly.

"What did you FedEx them to Rome? Where are they?" Damon asks. "I want my ring, Stefan, or my next stop's Elena's."

"What?" I whisper. Damon rolls his eyes at me.

"I already want you dead. Don't give me another reason to make it happen." Stefan threatens.

"Don't give me another reason to rip you apart." Damon threatens back.

"Damon!" I whisper yell. We need to be on Stefan's eh side, not bad side if we want our rings back.

"Yeah? That gonna be before or after you get your ring back?" Stefan challenges. Apparently I am no longer a part of this conversation.

"Just get them." Damon says before closing the phone.

Damon looks around the murder site, before grabbing the bottle of vodka and walking to the side. As he starts pouring I hear a cough.

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