162 Candles

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It's late, yet I'm waking up to some noise coming from downs stairs.

I head down to see Stefan locking a window shut. I want to go upstairs but can sense we're not alone.

And I know for a fact that Damon is asleep.

Some sort of clatter comes from upstairs, but Stefan and I both see no one.

"Damon?" He calls, it's a possibility he woke up, but I could've sworn he was asleep.

Something darts around the main entrance, before knocking Stefan to the ground.

A blonde woman flips him over, growling at him.

"Lexi?" We ask in unison.


Lexi is Stefan's blonde bestie, they met soon after we all turned. I've met her a few times, while visiting here, and she visited Damon and I in New York in the 70's, and uh, did a bit more than visiting... ick.

"What're you doing here?" Does the man really not know the date? Yesterday was Halloween, and he doesn't know what comes next?

"How could you even ask that?" She asks, pulling him into a hug.

"I missed you." He says.

"Happy birthday."
Lexi and Stefan are laughing in his room. And I'm bored. We still have hours before we have to go talk to Liz Forbes about Vickie's disappearance.

"What were you and Stefan doing at Vickie's house last night?" Liz asks.

"We were trying to help her. We knew that Elena was worried about her brother, and she was worried about him dating Vickie because from what i know she had a drug problem, so we were trying to help." I answer, Stefan hopefully not saying something to similar before me. With Lexi showing up we didn't get a plan going.

"So you got involved because Elena asked you to?"
"Any signs of aggression or violence?"


"So you believe Vickie really has left town?"


A few minutes later she dismisses me, I walk out to see Stefan calling after Matt.

"I was trying to help her, Matt. That's all." He says, Matt ignores him and continues walking.

Jeremy and Elena come out with their aunt.

"I'll meet you guys at the car." Elena says towards Jeremy and their aunt (unfortunately I still have yet to learn her name)

"You ok?" Stefan asks as Elena walks up to us, her hand rubbing the back of her neck.

"I don't think the sheriff suspected anything. Jeremy had no memory at all. All he knew was whatever Damon made him know." Elena says, seemingly shook up a bit.

"Thank you." He says, why? I have no idea.

"I can't do this, Stefan. Every time I look at Matt or Jeremy, all I think is that Vickie is never gonna come back, and they'll never know why. Around you guys people get hurt, and people die, and I just- I- it's just too much." She complains.

"Why don't we go somewhere and talk about it? Just you and I." Stefan asks.

"You could've just asked for me to leave, asshole." I say, sprinting away, but not before hearing Elena tel Stefan to stay away from her.

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