Fool Me Once

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As I finish up re-burying my century and a half dead father, Stefan calls me.

"Hello? Salvatore re-burying service. How can I help you?" I jokingly answer.

"Elena's gone." A worried Stefan states.

"What do you mean she's gone?" I ask, he could mean either kidnapped gone, or dead gone. And if it's the second one then she'll be back in like an hour.

"I mean Annabelle took her." He explains.

"Annabelle? Why does that name sound familiar?" I wonder aloud, I know Jeremy's friends name was Anna, but Annabelle is kind of old-timey.

"Pearls daughter." Stefan reminds.

"Oh shit. Okay, I'm on my way, where are you?" I ask, throwing down my shovel and immediately walking toward the exit of the cemetery.


"Okay, I'll be there soon."
And I did get there soon, 56 seconds to be exact. Walking in on what apparently is Stefan just now finding Damon.

"Anna took Elena." I hear Stefan say, walking in to find Damon just starting to read the Grimoire.

"Yeah, I got that from your 600 voicemails." Damon says, his feelings still hurt.

"Damon, all night long, every single street in town, I've been searching. What if you're blood hasn't passed out of her system?" Stefan asks, still equally if not may more worried than he was on the phone.

"Well, then at least you know you'll see her again." He jokes.

"This is not funny, Damon." I scold, Stefan's worry rubbing off on me a bit.

"Please. What do you know?" Stefan asks. "You were with Anna. You must know where she's living. Just tell me where I can find her."

"Nope." Damon rejects. "You can go. Really. You too, I heard enough from you earlier."

"You know, all I can remember is hating you. There might have been a time when that was different, but your choices have erased anything good about you." Stefan admits "but see, I also know that you have just as much reason to hate me. This all began with me." Damn right it did. "Katherine got taken away from you because of me. And I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted." Damon says, I silently let out the breath I didn't realize I had been holding.

"So please, just tell me what you know." Stefan begs. "It's Elena, Damon. If you know something, tell me."

"I mean this sincerely." Damon's starts after standing up. "I hope Elena dies."

DAMON JOSEPH SALVATORE. What in the actual hell was he thinking when he said that? And then he just walked away, like he didn't wish vampirism onto Elena Gilbert of all people.
I ended up following Damon the second he left the house, and of course he went to Sheila Bennett's place. I guess if you need help breaking a spell, may as well use the same bloodline as the witch who cast it.

"Yes?" Sheila answers, I'm standing a few houses away both to hide from her and Damon.

"Hi there." Damon greets, trying to be decent. "I'm looking for Bonnie."

"She's not here." Sheila responds, serious as ever.

"Oh, do you know when she would-" Damon starts to ask.

"Never." Sheila interrupts, I can't help but let out a quiet chuckle.

"You have quite an opinion for someone who doesn't know me." Damon says, as if she can't find out everything she needs by a simple touch.

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