chapter 4

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i continue running, despite the fact that my back and stomach is hurting. Mikky wasn't joking when he said he'd cum in me even if i was asleep. it's been three days until that time and i've not had the will to spend the nights in my own bed after knowing what it's like to sleep next to my mate. him perfect advantage over my body. 

it sounds bad, but i really love the fact that he uses me in such a way. not just that tho. he gives really good cuddles. he's warm, protective and so damn comfortable. some last night, i just slept on him. not letting him pull out of me, i just slept with his cock burried deep in me and it was nice. ass is loose as fuck right now because of that. luckily, you can't exactly see when somoenes loose, so i'm lucky. 

i keep running only to be tackled hard from my side. i snarl at the sudden of it, but jump up and attack the rog- i jump off of the guy and he glares up, "What the hell do you think your doing?!" i snarl at him. 

"I'm challenging your position as Alpha!" he snaps back making everyone stop running. my eyes darken and i growl low. 

"alright then, so be it." i say and begin to circle him. he twists and throws a kick. i dodge but he jumps and claws me around the side of my face, however i launch him into the nearby tree and he drops to the ground. he pushes up, but i pin him to the floor and growl.

"go on then, i lost." he glares. but i step off.

"i don't Murder my pack members." i snarl at him, "your being transfered to the next pack over, let's see what that Alpha thinks about your loyalty." i snarl and his eyes widen. 

"Wait-no-" he jumps up. but i just walk away. 

"Finish your laps!" i shout back at them, the Alpah group taking the lead. 

i walk streight back to the cells and slide down the wall. i shut my eyes and just sit there, "what happened to your face?" Mikky crouches in front of me. pinching my chin and making me look up. 

"my pack member challenged me. i'm transfering him to another pack." i say and push him off, "I need those missing pack members back, Mickael-" i plead to him, "you must understand that my pack members already lost faith in me because of a missing luna, i need them pack members back. " i plea to him. my eyes glossy. theres nothing worse then loosing a pack member. especially children. 

i hear him let out a breath, "you really care about those pack members." he says to me. to which i nod. 

"i already failed them enough times." i whisper to him. he gives me a long look. 

"i'll bring them back." he whispers before getting up. i look up to him with hopful eyes.

"you will?" i ask and he nods. 

"yeah." he smiles. i get up and look at him. 

"thank you." i whisper making him smile. i open the door and lead him out. i walk him to the boarder and look to him, "hurry back?" i ask him. but he just looks away.

"Danny, i understand that you need a Luna-" he connects our eyes, "but my rogues need an Alpha, they can't just join a pack, especially not when their this far in. if i'm not there they'll spread out and attack any living thing, i'm their alpha, thier connection to the sane world, they need me there, not here, in territory they are forbiden to walk into." he says sinsierly to me making my shoulders slump in disbelief. "i'm not coming back." he shakes his head. 

i feel like my whole world just shattered. again....i just can't win.

my eyes well with tears, tears that for once actually drip from my eyes. he pulls me into his chest and holds me tight. he's taller then me. by a lot actually, "i'll never be too far away, my home is actually in no mans land just over these boarders." he shurgs. my stomach tightens. i don't want to let go of him. 

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