chapter 3

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i lay, staring right up at my bedroom ceiling. everything possible is running through my mind. my mate, my pack. they don't think i'm a good Alpha....neither of them do actually.

Mikky rather me be the Luna then the Alpha. but i guess i'm the same. only...i Need him to be Luna. and now i've got a child with no place in this pack other then the place they have with their parents. if they don't let me bless that baby, it's going to have a terrible life.

i roll onto my side and look to the empty place in my bed. i have my mate....yet even now i'm lonely. theirs no winning is there?

i spend the morning walk without communicating with any of my pack members. despite them trying to ask me about the Luna and Heirs, i ignore them.

i send a group of warriors leaping over the boarder to search for the missing people. a large group of people stood to watch them go, "are you not going too, Alpha?" i tense at this.

"what, and leave my pack standing untrustworthy?" i question. throwing the fact i don't trust them alone in these pack lands without me.

"you-you don't trust us?" one of the men say. may i add, a man that is apart of the group questioning my position.

"i trusted you, as a pack to their Alpha to have trust and faith in me. to have my back just like i have yours. and yet every single day i am made to feel and LOOK bad because my pack wants a luna and Heir when i don't have. you consistantly try to push my into mating with your children despite them not being my mate, why should i trust you when you don't AT ALL trust me as your ALpha!" i snarl at them before running past them, leaving them to feel bad about their actions.

i get inside and get a refreshing shower to soothe my nerves. when i'm done i go to the office and sit down. "you alright, big bro?" he says from where he's sat on the floor with many fucking papers scattered. he's eating a sandwich and drinking tea. the door opens and the other Alpha group come in with their food.

"you could of waited for us instead of running back!" Kay snaps, but they all sit down around the piles of paper.

"this is so much, how the fuck does he do it all?" May says, complaing about the work she chose to do.

"what is this?" i question them making their heads snap up to me.

"Danny!" they all say at once.

"hi." i wave to my circle.

"well, we thought we would give you some free time from the stress." Kay smiles up to me making me relax slightly.

"wow, you get a lot of baby requests." May says in surprise.

"yeah, i'm just putting them all in this pile." Jhona waves over to the growing pile. and as soon as the other see it, it grows thrice it's size, "alright." he nods and they continue moving through the letters from the pack. Kay and my brother doing the other shit along with my lawyer. a small smile slowing graces my lips as they work through my paperwork. they are all trained to do this work in case i fall ill or injured and have to stay in bed. Beta will lead, but the others will help.

"so, Danny, you seen Luna today at all?" my eyes widen and my cheeks redden before i get up and walk out with them cheering good lucks and break a legs.

i make my way out of my office, pack members looking over to me with pointed looks, "you know, with Luna having nothing to do while in the cell, he could be busy giving us our heir." my jaw clentches.

"imagine sex between two Alphas." i face palm. their trying..REALLY fucking hard aren't they? i huff and walk down. feeling myself get a semi just from the words. hate them. sometimes i really do hate them.

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