Chapter 7 - The Dance 💃🏻

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(A/N - B/F/N = Best Friends Name)

*~Magical Time Skip~*


I begin walking over to B/f/n, when George walked in, I turn to see a grinning dork staring at me like a idiot, I couldn't help but chuckle a little, I twirl in a circle to make my black dress move with my movement, making me look elegant

I begin walking over to B/f/n, when George walked in, I turn to see a grinning dork staring at me like a idiot, I couldn't help but chuckle a little, I twirl in a circle to make my black dress move with my movement, making me look elegant

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(This is what the dress looks like or you can imagine another dress that is black)

"Wow, I can't wait for you to show me those dance moves you said you worked on, who would've wondered YouTube could do so many things" he starts making his way towards me but gets stopped by b/f/n, she begins shoving him out of the door

"You can't be in here while I'm getting her ready! I still have to do her make up!" I can hear him yelling from outside, I sit down in a white stool Infront of a round mirror that is on top of a wooden table, after she had finished my make up I opened my eyes astonished

Snape's POV

I was looking around at all the students, some were dancing, some were eating and talking, I saw the new students be kinda awkward at first until they finally calmed down, I couldn't see y/n though, feeling kinda disappointed I saw umbridge walking towards me, I quickly tried getting away

"Hello there Severus Snape" I freeze in place not wanting to move, as I slowly turned my way towards her I forced a smile while putting my hands together

"Well hello...Umbridge..." A high pitch giggle came from the pink dressed girl making me cringe a little at the sight, I glance behind her to see y/n walking through the doors wearing a long flowing black dress with a black flowered crown that matches, her lightly blushed cheeks and sharp eyeliner along with her black eyeshadow mimicking it, she look like a goddess

"-will that be okay with you?" Snapping back to reality I look back at Umbridge, I just stood there looking at her stupidly not knowing what she was talking about

"Were you not listening? I said, you know what, I'll just give you a jest of it" before I could speak I get pulled into a kiss I did not enjoy for even a second, It was awful


I was talking to george until I look past him to see professor Snape and Umbridge kissing, part of me wanted to vomit while the other half wanted to cry, but mostly vomit, I look back at George not wanting him to seem like anything was wrong

Why is he kissing her...I thought he hated her? I hope you're reading my mind because I want you to know I hate you and I regret having you be my first kiss

I quickly got up and took George's hand and walked to the dance floor, I put my hand on his shoulder as he put his on my waist, we begin swinging back and fourth which makes me start remembering when I was with professor Snape, I felt tears starting to build up but before they could come out I kiss George, quickly pulling away before anyone saw, I hurriedly rushed out not looking back

I hate him. How could he? I was foolish to think he liked me back, I was so foolish, I can't believe even him would steep this low

When I got into my common house dorm I shut my door and just laid in my bed, I started crying uncontrollably, my make up was wiping off onto my pillow as tears poured down my face

"Y/n? Y/n! What's wrong? What happened? George told me you kissed and than you just ran off" getting up I watched as she sat next to me on my bed, she started patting my back making me slow down my crying

"I-I- I don't know, It's just- it's just- I can't tell you, I'm sorry" I lay down on her lap an begin silent crying

"Hey now, you're gonna stain my dress, I understand okay? So whatever you're going through can you ignore it for now and try to have fun? Fred and George are worried, especially George, you know how he gets when he sees you upset" she winks at me and giggles, I couldn't help but smile, I shake my head knowing I wouldn't be able to go back after what I saw

"I'm actually feeling pretty tired, I think I am gonna go to bed, I'll talk to them tomorrow" she nods her head and walks back out smiling at me, when the door closes I get up and quickly get washed up and changed and feel myself drift off to sleep

Snape's POV

After rinsing out my mouth a couple million times I couldn't help but remember what she was thinking in her mind, I know it seemed like it was something going on but there wasn't, she wouldn't believe me if I told her anyways

I hope you're reading my mind because I hate you and I regret having my first kiss with you

Sighing I look back at the mirror to see me and y/n dancing together at the yule ball, I quickly tried wiping it away but it just keeps coming back, it's so irritating

"Bloody hell...just leave me alone already....I can't....she reminds me too much of lily and that's messing up with how I feel about her as a person....I just can't do that to her..." I put my hands firm on the sink and watch as a single tear drops from my face



Professor McGonagall dropping like it's hot:

"CoMe On AlBuS! I know you want to" Dumbledore watches as she squats down non-stop, he couldn't help but chuckle at her nonsense

"DROP IT LIKE ITS HOT! DROP IT LIKE ITS HOT! The students are in the dorms sleeping anyways and we are using a spell to block out this noise, Don't be a Umbridge" She continues doing crazy dance moves that makes Dumbledore give in, he than throws it back

"Wow albus, I guess you aren't as bad as Umbridge" she laughs

"This old man still got a few moves in him" he smiles and motions the author to continue on writing

(A/n- I'm working on it albus, anyways hope you are enjoying the small 'funny' parts of this book and the 'drama' lol enjoy)

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