chapter 3 -🎀

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--———-chapter 3————-

- 𝐒𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲 -

Belladonna finally let go of my waist. I slightly smiled at her. My stomach growled. "Oh! Looks like its time for lunch soon..." I scratched the back of my head. Why am I so freaking awkward?!

But Belladonna didn't seem to care, she just nodded gently as a response.

How were each one of her movements so... elegant?
I mean, I'm not really an expert at rating girls and stuff, but she truly was cute. Like, cuter than anyone I've ever seen.

Then I felt dumb. Of course she is perfect and cute, she isn't human. She was 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 perfect. I can't possibly compare her to a human girl.

Later we were walking together through the hallways and chatting. "So what's your favorite subject?"
I finally asked a smart question. She looked at me and giggled. "I haven't tried any yet."
Well, there goes the smartness. "Oh, right, I forgot."
I chuckled awkwardly.

We walked for a few more minutes, and as we did I only got more curious about her. "So uhm.. for how long have you been... alive?"
I really hoped she didnt mind that question.

"For two weeks." She replied, as nice and polite as always. I definitely expected a longer answer though.
I wanted to know more and more about her,
I wanted to know everything.
She continued. "In human years, I'm 16."

"So, how do you feel about your classmates?" I kept the conversation going. "I like them a lot! The girls were really nice and complimented my hair and my nails! Some of them said they were jealous of my clear skin. Although, some of the boys did say some rather interesting things..." I saw her smile fade.

"What did they say to you? Did Henry say anything? D-Did he flirt with you?" Belladonna's eyes widened.
"No, he just asked things about my body. Things like "Do you have nipples". I asked him what those are, and then he laughed at me." 

"Oh... I'm sorry for you, Henry's a dickhead and you shouldn't care about what he says."
"He's a what?" Her eyes looked big. I chuckled.
"A dickhead is the same as an idiot. Like... a stupid person." Belladonna chuckled as well.

[They had lunch]

[During boys PE class]

"Hurry up gentlemen! You still have 7 more rounds to run!" God I hated that stupid teacher. He always made us run around this stupid green field. Just walking all the way from school to here is exhausting enough for me. The teacher definitely hated me as well. I was never really good at PE. I'm always the one to- OUCH! I yelled out as I tripped on the field.
"Watch it, dork." Henry smirked as he run right past me. I want to suffocate his stupid fucking face.

However, I got up and kept running.
I kind of wanted to cry. But that's not what boys are supposed to do. Boys are supposed to be tough, and to never show any type of weakness or emotion. Unless it's about
" a really hot chick. "

I don't want to sound cheesy, but I'm really not like other men. I've never related to the boys in my class. They're all into things like football, hockey and stuff. When I've only ever wanted to read books and study biology. Guess I really am different.
It's not a bad thing, right?

Then I heard his dumb voice again.
"Hey Mr Johnson! Why can't we ever share a gym class with the girls? I bet Bella looks really good in a tanktop!" Henry chuckled with a smirk.
I couldn't describe my anger. Bella?! He really made a nickname for her? He barely knows her! And how could he say such things about her?! When shes so sweet and... perfect and innocent. I just rolled my eyes and kept running.

Belladonna Where stories live. Discover now