Chapter 21

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17. July, 7pm

Luise didn't come to her room that night. Nor the night after. She started avoiding me again.

The chance to talk to her didn't arrive and I was left feeling a pit of guilt growing in my stomach, something I had never felt before in such a way. I did such a stupid thing and now she doesn't even want to look at me.

Not that I blame her, she has every right to be disappointed in me.

The worst thing is that I didn't even get to show her how I look in my suit and the ball is tomorrow. I chuckled at the thought of the ball.

Like I would actually be allowed to go. After everything that happened, I would be lucky if Luise didn't get rid of me.

The knock on the door made me realize it was time for dinner since for the last day and a half maids have been bringing me meals in the morning, noon, and evening.

It was quite convenient since I didn't want to set foot outside this room.

"Aster you better open this door right this second or I will make you regret you were ever born." The voice behind the door threatened.

I practically ran towards the door to open it as there was only one person who openly disliked me.

"Cora." I greeted as I opened the door.

"This is fucking heavy." She pushed the tray of food into my hands and I managed to steady it before it spilled.

The tray wasn't particularly heavy but I doubt Cora would hold it any longer than she wanted to.

She was silent for a minute with her eyebrows narrowed, obviously deep in thought.

I contemplated whether to move or not while she did whatever she was doing since the silence was getting uncomfortable. I looked around me to find a place to put the tray on and decided on a table near the couch.

"Make sure to be present at tomorrow's ball." She spoke up after a few minutes of silence.

"Why?" I asked as I approached her again.

"Don't ask stupid questions." 

Right, Cora won't tell me anything that's not absolutely necessary for me to know. But still, she's helping.

"I don't think that's possible. Lu- my master is mad at me and I didn't see her for two days." I explained but Cora just raised an eyebrow and walked past me into the room.

I saw her reach for a knife on the tray with food and she made her way towards me.

I took a few steps back, "What are you-" Before I could finish my sentence she grabbed my right hand and pressed the knife on top of it.

Cora quickly pulled it across my skin and I hissed from the sudden pain.

My eyes widened when I saw the blood dripping down my hand. I didn't think the cut was this deep for it to be bleeding so much.

Cora left the knife on the tray and walked towards the door. "You're welcome."

She left.

I stood in the middle of the room not sure what to do with my bleeding hand. It would definitely need a bandage but I know there is none in the room so I will have to find a maid and tell her to get me some. I moved my left hand under my right one to prevent the blood from getting on the carpet as I walked toward the bathroom.

I put my right hand in the sink as I turned on the water and began cleaning the wound.

"What happened?"

A sudden voice behind me caused me to flinch but I relaxed when I recognized who it belonged to.

Luise grabbed my hand and examined every detail of the wound. Her eyebrows rose in shock as she realized the situation.

"What did Cora do?" She asked, her tone showing concern rather than anger.

I barely managed to get out a simple "How.." before she interrupted me.

"Her scent is all over you." There was a hint of anger in her voice which confused me even more as to why it was directed at me.

I pulled my hand away and glared right back at her. She can't be angry at me for getting a small cut on my finger when she was gone for almost two days. "You're the one who's been away so it's only natural that I interact with someone else. "My words came out harsher than intended as I tried to keep a calm demeanor.

"Me not being here doesn't give you the right to screw some maid."  Her voice got louder. I noticed that her hands were clenching into fists at her sides. Looks like she's properly pissed.

Calius touched my head before so why wasn't she mad then? I wasn't aware of the 'no touching' rule as she never even mentioned it. "How was I supposed to know that I'm not allowed to touch her? You never told me I can't do that." I answered in a calm tone since I didn't want to upset her even more.

She let out a forced laugh. "I wasn't aware that something I have to tell you. You're just supposed to know." Her words were laced with frustration.

"It's not like they teach us those rules in the pet shop," I said.

"Wash your bloody hand." She ordered, clearly not wanting to continue this conversation.

I did as she said and placed my hand on the cold sink.  The cold water seemed to relax my tense muscles a little. I could feel her gaze on me even though I kept staring at my hand. "I don't understand what I did wrong." My voice wavered slightly causing Luise to scoff, her eyes filled with contempt.

"Okay then, let's talk about it and maybe you will see your mistake." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Was she good?"

Was Cora good? Is she asking about her behavior towards me? I mean yeah Cora can be mean sometimes but today she was nice.

"Yeah, she was great today," I answered with a smile. Luise probably got mad because she thought I was being mistreated since she saw the cut on my hand.

"Today?"  She questioned, her eyebrows raising in shock.

I turned off the water since the wound was already clean. What I need are the bandages not more water. "She's usually harsh on me, but I can see the progress between us." At least Cora doesn't threaten me anymore.

"Then that thing, two days ago, does it have anything to do with her?" She asked cautiously as if she was afraid of my answer.

What thing? She must mean that embarrassing situation I put is in. A heat spread through my cheeks just at the thought of that day. I cleared my throat to hide the blush spreading further on my face. "Oh, that. That's nothing to do with her, I guess it's my fault that happened."

"Don't lie to me Aster." She scolded me with her signature glare. Her hair swayed along with her movements as she stepped closer.

I took another step back as I tried to avoid eye contact. "I'm going to get this wound bandaged," I said as I started walking away from her. If she keeps acting like this I might die from embarrassment.

"Aster!" She called my name and I couldn't help but flinch. I ignored her and continued walking outside the bathroom.

"You have no right to disobey me. I am your master and you belong to me." She growled, making me freeze in my tracks.

That's the first time I've ever heard her yell at me. It was very unexpected and quite scary.

"I know where you stand Aster so don't act so high and mighty." She warned.

I turned around to face her and bowed my head. "Yes, master." I guess I'm back to square one.

Luise just stood there in silence for a few minutes  before turning around and walking towards the door. "I will send someone to clean your wound."

She left without another word.

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