Chapter 2

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15. May, 4 pm

"Honey, I'm home" Calius yelled from the castle's entrance, but no one came out to greet him. I began to feel a terrible ache in my gut. So there you have it. This is the point at which our torment begins. I wish I could stand in for my sister. As long as she's safe, I wouldn't mind being a feeding source for two vampires. But I'm well aware that's not possible. There's no going back now that we're here.

We discreetly followed him as he smirked and began going towards the massive stairs in the lobby's center. He proceeded cautiously up the stairs, giving my sister enough time to avoid tripping.

I tried to console her by whispering, "Act natural, we'll be just fine."

"The most natural reaction in this situation would be to panic, so theoretically I can panic." She replied in hushed tones.

"That's not what I'm talking about; act as if it's a regular day."

"My regular days lately have been filled with a lot of panic."

"Could you kindly cooperate? And please don't be rude to your master; not everyone is like Calius. You might find yourself in trouble."

She didn't grace me with an answer.

As we neared the top of the stairs, he began to explain where we would be staying. "Luise's and Leroi's rooms are next to one other, so keep your night activities as quiet as possible."

"What?" With furrowed brows, I asked. I looked at my sister, who was fiddling with her hands and staring at the floor.

"The midnight feeding, of course. I didn't buy you two merely to sit there and look pretty." He informed. As he raised his hand and knocked on the door he whispered quick good luck, before he pushed me into the room.

The door behind me closed abruptly, leaving me alone in this grayish room. The room is rather large, and even though I couldn't see more than half of it, I assumed I was the only one there because I relied on my hearing.

Even with my blurry vision, I could tell the room was a mess. There were clothes and some papers on the floor, as well as a few food leftovers on the sofa that were somewhat close to me. What kind of person resided here in the first place? As there is no one here to stop me, I can just leave the room and look for my sister. She was most likely also placed in an empty room. I turned towards the door and reached for the doorknob.

"Where do you think you're going?" From within the room, a nearly angelic voice questioned.

So there was someone here. I slowly turned around to face my new so-called master. And, surprise, surprise, I wasn't able to see her.

"Come here." She demanded. "And take off that awful collar."

I removed the collar by lifting my hands toward my neck. I tossed it beside my feet as soon as it was off of my neck. I could sort of determine where the voice was coming from, so I moved toward the far end of the room. As soon as she entered my line of vision, I realized she had to be the most divine woman I'd ever seen. She sat behind a stack of papers, a disgruntled expression on her face, and scribbled something down without looking at me. Her brown wavy hair was spread across the table, but she didn't seem to mind. She sighed and raised her head, her eyes examining me. When I peered into her dark yellow eyes, it felt as if the entire world had stopped.

I never thought I'd think of a vampire as 'okay looking,' but she's absolutely stunning.

She muttered, "Beautiful."


Is it possible for her to read my mind? Is that something vampires are capable of?

"Tell me your name?" An uproarious sound of glass crashing sounded from the next room just as she asked me. It made me wince and take a step back from her table.

She chuckled, "I suppose the other pet won't make it through the night."

"W-what?" I managed to speak with a shaky voice as I struggled to keep my emotions at bay. It dawned on me that we're the food here. I allowed myself to hope for the first time in years. Hope that this is all just a bad dream and that I'll wake up soon. Doesn't matter where. Even the pet store would be preferable to this; at the very least, my sister would be alive and well there.

But this isn't a nightmare; everything here is real.

I was seriously considering walking to the next room and giving that vampire a piece of my mind since the noise from the next room didn't stop. Of course, I'd die as a result of that, but I can't just stand here and do nothing.

"Go to your cage. It appears that the walk from the limousine to my room has worn you to the point where you are unable to respond to my questions" she added, her face irritated.

I shifted my gaze around the room, looking for the cage that had been mentioned. It didn't take long for me to find it near the right wall after a quick search. I rushed towards it, barely keeping my composure. The cage was considerably larger than the one I slept in at the pet store, yet as soon as I stepped inside, I felt a strange sense of security. It was strangely familiar. It had two pillows and a blanket, which was far more than I had this morning.

I put one pillow on my head and the other on my face. If not for the tears, then for the ruckus coming from the next room. As I tried to calm myself down, the events of today flooded my mind. I was finally with my sister, and she was taken away from me in a matter of seconds. Perhaps she was all right in there. Perhaps, just perhaps, she was in perfect condition. There was no injury or anything. I know I shouldn't wish for too much, but it's impossible for me not to.

I'm not sure when the noise ceased, but it did, and I fell asleep.

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