Chapter 17

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10. July, 11 am

Luise and I were late for breakfast as usual and her family, despite being used to it, chastised her.

She muttered an apology and sat in her seat. Luise appeared to be a different person depending on who she was with.       
It took me a while to get used to it, and it still surprises me now and then.

More than anything, I'm amazed at how effortlessly she does it since she was on my back just a second ago, smiling and whispering to me but as soon as I put her down and she opened the door to the dining room, she was a completely different person.

With her family, she is serious and rarely smiles. I believe it's because she wants her parents to take her seriously when she says that she wants to run the castle. Or perhaps they are just strict parents who will not tolerate such behavior.

Prince Leroi is the same as her. The only distinction is that he's always on time.  Prince Calius, on the other hand, is never serious and always has a smile on his face.

So either her parents prefer the younger brother or they are not strict at all.

When she's with her older brother she's relaxed yet still somewhat serious. It's clear that she thinks highly of him and would seek his assistance if anything went wrong. From the story about her last pet, I can tell that he cares a lot about her.

It's a different story with her younger brother. She constantly scolds him and appears to be annoyed by him, but they share an odd affection.

Maybe all siblings are like that. I wouldn't know anything about it since I barely spoke to my sister in the pet shop.

"Pet, sit down." Luise scolded. I didn't realize that breakfast already started yet I was still standing by the door.

I did as I was told feeling a little embarrassed. They must have noticed my staring.

My sister wasn't present today which was not surprising given that she hadn't been seen outside her master's room in quite some time.

I wish I knew more about her situation and whether her master allowed other vampires to spend the night with her. I'm well aware that knowing that won't help, but I can't help but wonder.

I reached for a piece of toast on my plate and bit into it. I wasn't hungry, to begin with since my head was full of unanswered questions, but my body had been filled with a strange warmth since earlier. I was too preoccupied to be hungry.

I glanced up from my plate to see Calius staring at me. I was taken aback by the unexpected eye contact but as his gaze shifted between Luise and me, a new type of fear settled in the pit of my stomach.

Everyone else at the table seemed too preoccupied with their conversation to notice anything.

I shifted in my seat, watching Calius with bated breath, afraid he'd make a joke about whatever was going on with me.

Luckily, he simply smiled and finished his meal.

As relieved as I was, I couldn't continue my breakfast, and before I knew it maids had entered the room and gathered the plates before returning to the kitchen.

The parents were the first to leave the room but none of their children followed.

"Aster go to the kitchen and see if there's anything there that appeals to you," Luise said although it felt more like an order.

Of course, I listened to her and rose from my seat immediately.

She has either noticed my lack of appetite or has something private to discuss with her brothers. In any case, I shouldn't be in that room with them.

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