Chapter 13

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1. July, 6 pm

She told me several times that she was okay, but I kept asking. The dark color on her fingertips receded but did not disappear, which was the source of my concern.

It's commonly known that vampires can self-heal, so I expected the burn to heal completely, but for some reason, it was still visible.

Which would mean that she was still in pain.

And, as if the previous two hours had never happened, she was trying on some new clothes.

"How do I look?" She asked as she performed a little twirl, raising her crimson dress a few inches past her knees.

"Blurry," I said.

"Thanks." She muttered as she returned her attention to herself.

I wanted to ask about her fingers again, even though I knew what she'd say.

"Will your brother send Lina to your father?"

Her lovely movements around the room stopped the moment I spoke. After casting a quick glance towards the wall that separates her room from her brother's, she walked towards me.

I made some space on the couch, expecting her to sit alongside me, but instead, she sat on the table in front of me.

"I'll be honest with you... I'm not sure." She shifted uncomfortably. "It's not common to share a pet, but it does happen."

Before I accept any of that, I should at least try to help her in some way. It was the very least I could do.

"Can you do anything to stop it?" I asked, reaching for her hands. My gaze was drawn to her burns as my fingers stroked hers.

Luise looked at our intertwined fingers as if she were considering whether she should withdraw her hands away from mine.

"Like what?" She eventually said. "I'm not sure whether you've noticed, but no one in this house listens to me."

" I do."

She cracked a grin. "You aren't family."

A burst of confidence knocked me off guard. "Perhaps I could be."

"What?" She replied immediately.

"What?" I got up and pulled my hands away from hers.

"I have to go do stuff." And with that, I exited the room as fast as I could.

Shit. What was I thinking when I said that? Now she'll think I'm trying to get her to adopt me or something...

As I leaned against her door, I took a moment to catch my breath. I also realized she didn't try to stop me from leaving her room.

In fact, she didn't even follow me out, which must imply that I'm free to leave whenever I want to.

So long as I don't run up to any of her family members, I'm fine.

I suppose I should visit the maids now that they've taken the candles I'd left in front of these doors.

I made my way to the kitchen as quietly as possible so as not to draw undue attention to myself.

A few maids caught my eye here and there, but I refrained from talking to them.

I had a hunch they wouldn't tell me anything while they were working.

When I stepped into the kitchen, the entire staff stopped with their work.

"Do you need anything, Sir Aster?" Someone asked.

"Please tell us how we may serve you." The other person stated.

First and foremost, how do they know my name? I've never met them before.

Second, I need to be wise about this since they have obviously drawn a line between me and them. I can't just ask them to tell me about all of their potential escape routes. I mean, I could if I wanted to lose the little trust I have.

"I simply... I hoped it would be all right if I spent some time down here among some people. I haven't been able to sleep since I saw that horrific scene the other night... what they did to those helpless maids. I simply needed to get away from vampires, even if it was only for a few minutes." I bowed my head and fidgeted with my fingers to make myself appear even more pitiful.

"Oh my, of course, you are welcome to come here whenever you wish." remarked the lady, who I assume is the cook.

"Please have a seat." One of the maids took my hand and brought me to a chair among the other maids. There couldn't have been more than 10 of them, but they were constantly moving and their blurry silhouettes were merging, so I couldn't be sure.

"Tell us what's on your mind, dear. It helps to talk about it." An older maid said. She appeared to be approximately 50 years old, which was unusual for a maid in this area.

I took a long breath to give them the impression that I was gathering the courage to speak. "Everything that's been going on recently has been a little too much for me. I feel sorry for everyone who works here, but most of all I feel sorry for my sister. Her master wants to sell her as if she were an object."

As a sign of comfort, the elder maid placed her hand on my hair. "That poor child."

"I really wish I could do something to help her."

"Nothing comes to mind; you're dealing with Prince Leroi here." said one of the maids.

"We'll work it out, don't worry. We have to aid one of our own, don't we?" Said the old maid.

I gave a nod.

"I am eternally thankful to every one of you. I must go immediately or I might face punishment from my master." With that, I exited the kitchen, followed by several goodbyes, and see you later.

Maybe after a few more visits, they'll trust me enough to tell me about the escape plan and the candles.

But for the time being, I should return to Luise.

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