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Hi there, 

Nadira here to welcome you to book two of the 'Lie for Me' series, I am fully aware I have never made clear what the series is called but here you go, I thought it was a fitting name but let me know what you think. 

I know a lot of you loved Burnt Lies, so I knew I couldn't just end the story there so here is book two, it will be coming out hopefully by September 1st so mark you're calendars and be ready for more, of Cameron and Alara, more heartbreak, more action, more betrayals, and of course more lies. 

These characters are especially close to my heart, and I hope you love them as much as I do. 

Who is your favourite character from Burnt Lies, and what was your favourite scene to read, I know for a fact my favourite scene to write was when they first met, that and obviously when he carried her home!

I really, really hope you enjoy this series, and thank you so so much for all the love so far!

Welcome to 'Severed Ties' I hope your ready because this is going to be one hell of a ride!



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