Chapter 9: Killing spree. (Severe Violence Content 🗡🗡🩸)

Start from the beginning

   Just then, a few humans started firing and killed the prison guards in cold blood and took the keys and started opening every cell that is occupied by humans.

"Hey! Let us out of here!" Nika shouted at the human holding the keys

"Hell no! I rather let you fur fags rot in there!" The human shouted.

"Hey we're the sentinels, we here to save your race. Show some respect asshole!" Loona shouted.

"Fuck you. You're the one that started the war with your false accusations."

"Hey! It's alright they are with me!" I shouted as I walk to him.

"What? The Furry Slayer trusting these sentinel bitches?"  The human asked with shocked.

"Hey. They are the reason why there is your freedom happening right now. Now get out of here." I said as I snatched the keys from him and freed the girls from the cell.

"How did you survive?!" Loona shouted.

"Get moving! I'll explain later!" I shouted as I followed them but I'm starting to lose blood fast by the gunshot I received from earlier."

  The sentinel reinforcements then came and intervened in the riot but the humans attacked them regardlessly since there are furs. I saw Commander Hilton making a run for it and I went after him since my PTSD fully took over me. He made it outside but I tackled him from behind and gave painful blows to the face a few times. He kicked me off him and grabbed me by throat.

  I then grabbed my knife out and stabbed him in the left eye which made him scream but he threw me down a steep hill which caused my left arm to fracture. I went down at me and pilled his gun out at aimed at me.

"Well, you are persistent from death but this will make sure you will die."" Hilton says as he was about to fire.


  Hilton screamed in pain as he saw his left hand blown off into pieces with a sniper shot. He unfortunately got away into the forest leaving me in a ditch close to death by blood loss. My PTSD fades away and felt the pain of my injuries I received.

I barley saw Dasha coming down the steep hill with her sniper rifle and she ran to me and saw my gunshot wound and puts pressure on it to stop the bleeding.

"Hey. Hey! Don't you dare die on us now!" Dasha says as she make me look into her eyes.

"Stay with me!" Dasha as she pulled a first aid kit from her side and injected me with some morphine and started dressing up my gunshot wound with some bandages but I wasn't able to stay awake any longer that I closed my eyes and get pulled into the darkness.

  Dasha noticed and she finished wrapping the bandage and picked me up in her arms.

"Hold in there Stan. You don't deserve to die yet after you just saved our asses." Dasha says as she carried me back to the base where the Sentinels started loading up the adult humans to be sent to the hospital in the anthro city while loading the human children to be sent back to the Sentinel base to be in extra care. As for the remaining Red Claw that survived the riot were on their knees, and lined up for execution by Chloe's command.

  Dasha hurried and placed me on a stretcher as she walked in the aircraft. Just then, the rest of the Alpha team came in and Loona was the first one that came to me with worry.

"Don't Worry Loona, He will be alright. I made sure the bleeding stopped." Dasha says as she made sit down before take off.

   2 days later...

   I was in the medical wing, wrapped in bandages and just went through surgery of getting the bullet removed from my shoulder. I was still asleep since the mission and didn't wake up yet. Loona and Dasha came in to check on me and were disappointed that I was still asleep.

"When will that cute runt wake up?" Loona asked.

"I don't know. Those injuries he received were very severe. I just wonder how he survived that brutal beating that asshole Hilton gave him with a chair?" Dasha asked with curiosity.

"I don't know. His PTSD might've gave him a chance to stay alive while he killed 456 Red Claw soldiers and freed 6,400 humans from that base." Loona said sarcastically. 

"That happened and I am grateful that he saved our lives and finished the mission.  We have to do something for him." Dasha suggested.

"Like what?" Loona asked.

"My mom told me that he's turning 18 tomorrow. So, How about we give him a great birthday to celebrate since I did feel bad about him of never experienced it for a while." Dasha says.

"That's a good idea. If we do that for him, maybe he will finnaly open up to us." Loona says as she stroked my hair.

"You like him don't you?" Dasha asked with a smirk.

"I'm starting to, I bet you do too." Loona says.

"Don't push it." Dasha warns as she left the ward.

   Later, Loona was doing inventory in the armory for the day and then Scott came in to try to make a move to take her love.

"Hey Loony." Scott says as he went behind her.

"Please don't call me that." Loona says with frustration

"Chill babe, I was wondering if you want to have some drinks with my friends today."

"I can't because I have a team member in the medical room and I have to stay to recover." Loona explains.

"What? That no fur? He is not really a team member." Scott says as he smarts off.

"He is, because he's the one that saved me and my friends and made the mission a success. So you better watch what you say about. Because saying stuff like that will put you in a cell since we are trying to coexist with humans, not mistreating them." Loona sternly says.

"Ok. Ok I was kidding. Sorry."

"Just get away from me. You fucking annoy me and you are not my type so stop hitting on me and go fuck your best friends instead!" Loona shouted as she walked away and headed back to the dorms.

  Scott felt angry and heart broken at the same time that he clenched his fists and said, "Just you wait bitch, let she how you will like me and my friends give you a time in our room."

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