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Sam's POV:

I then grabbed my phone and keys and made my way to Corey's house. If you don't know Corey, Jake, and I have been friends since seventh grade. The only problem is that we attend different high schools. Recently Corey and Jake bought a house and became roommates. They asked me to move in but I told them that maybe later on.

Once I got to Corey's house, I got out of my car and called him.

S: Hey Corey I'm here

Co: I'm on my way to let you in.

"Sup Brotha!" Corey and Jake greeted me in sync. "Hey guys," I greeted back with a fake smile. They soon let me in and we all made our way to the living room. "So what do you want our help for brother?" Corey asked me. "Well, you guys remember my friend Colby right?" I asked them. "Of course we do, brother, why what's wrong with him?" Jake asked. "Well recently he dated a guy named Ryan, who ended up being a complete asshole to him. He would not only physically abuse him but also sexually abuse him as well," I explained.

"Wow what a douchebag," Corey said. "But that's not all he did. Not only did he cheat on Colby in their own house. But he also forced him to give him and his friends blow jobs and also forced him to have sex with one of his friends as well." I told them as anger poured from my mouth. "That's fucked up!" Jake said as he and Corey had their mouths open in shock. "Is he still with him?" Corey asked me. "He broke up with him which pissed him off and slashed Colby in the cheek," I said back. "Ouch!" Corey said. "Poor Colby ended up getting stitches. Anyways that's not the point. Point is, Colby was scared getting back with him but earlier today, I felt like he threatened Colby to not only take him back but also move back in with him," I told them.

"Wait Colby isn't living with his parents?" Corey asked. "Nope, his dad beat him up and kicked him out after he found out that Colby was gay," I informed them. "When was this?" Jake asked. "Colby later told me that it happened during the week he and Ryan started dating. He then told me it was the same day he told Ryan for the second time that he wasn't ready to have sex with him," I replied.

"Hmm seems kind of sus brother," Corey said. "What do you mean?" I asked him. " He means that maybe Ryan got mad because Colby didn't want to do it. So he got revenge by telling his parents," Jake explained. I then realized that Jake was right. "Oh god Jake you're right," I said in realization.

"I feel guilty for yelling at him before he left," I said as I put my head in my hands. "Why did you yell at him?" Corey asked. "I was mad because he went back with Ryan. But I can't get out of my head what he told me before he left," I replied. "What did he tell you?" Jake asked me. "I know you're mad at me Sam, but if you only knew," I said as I repeated Colby's exact same words. "Well, it seems to me that Colby probably went back with Ryan because he probably threatened Colby that he would either hurt him or you," Corey explained. "I don't know Corey maybe you're right," I said back. Suddenly my phone went off. I checked to see my mom calling me.

S: Sam M: Mom

S: Hey mom what's up?

M: Oh hey dear, I was just calling to let you and Colby know that your father and I just met up with Colby's mom. She says that she is sorry and that she wants to help Colby. She's even willing to leave her husband tomorrow so she can live with us.

S: That's great mom but Colby left. He was threatened to get back with Ryan and I don't know what to do.

M: Oh Sammy just talk to him again and convince him to come back.

S: Ok mom I'll try. Talk to you later.

"Sam, can we ask you something?" Corey asked. "Yeah sure, what's up?" I said back. "Brother, do you have feelings for Colby?" Jake asked. I sighed, "Yeah I do but I pushed my feelings away after he first started dating Ryan. I became protective of him when I found out about the abuse. I even offered our guest room. I even let him cuddle with me." "Wait, he likes cuddling with you?" Corey asked me. "Yup, he says he feels safe and protected when he does," I replied. "Maybe he has feelings for you too but he just doesn't know it yet," Jake said. "Maybe, anyway I have to go, it's getting late." "Ok brother see you later," Corey said as I left their house.

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