True Colors

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Colby's POV:

The following day everything was ok except for the fact that during passing periods Ryan would pull me into the bathroom to make out with me. We did however manage to work on our project more. I still didn't tell Sam about my new living situation afraid that he might be mad about me picking Ryan over him. So I decided to wait until the time is right for me to tell him.

Time skip

Ryan and I had just got home from school and I was about to go up to my room and relax when Ryan grabbed my wrist. "Um where do you think you're going?" he asked me with a serious tone in his voice. "I was about to go upstairs and chill," I said back. "Well too bad, I'm hungry and I need you to make me something to eat," he replied. "Babe can you just make something for the two of us yourself?" I asked him. Slap! Ryan slapped me across the face leaving me standing there in shock as I held my right cheek.

"I would but now that you're here, you're going to do all the cooking and cleaning got it?" He replied with anger in his voice. I just nodded my head yes in response. "Good, now get cooking," he demanded as he left toward the living room. I then made my way toward the kitchen and began to make a pot of spaghetti for the two of us. After about fifteen to twenty minutes later I finally finished. I then grabbed a plate and served some to Ryan.

"Babe your food is ready!" I called out as I put his plate on the table. Ryan then sits and begins to eat as I serve myself. Once I sit down, Ryan looks at my plate. "Babe, don't you think that's a little bit too much for you?" he asks. "What do you mean I always eat this amount?" I asked him with slight confusion in my voice. "Well I just don't want you to get fat that's all," he said back. I just looked down at my food when I noticed Ryan pulling it towards him.

"Here you can eat this," he said after taking half of my spaghetti and placing it on his. He then gave me a slightly emptier plate. "But-" Ryan then cut me off. "Do you need me to slap you again?" he asked with an annoying tone in his voice. I then shook my head no in response. "Then eat," he demanded. So I did even though I went to bed hungry.

Next day during lunch

Sam and I were about to enter the cafeteria when Ryan stopped us. "Hey babe can I talk to you for a sec?" he asked me. I then nodded my head yes. "Hey Sam, wait for me at our table yeah?" I asked him. "Sure thing Colbs," Sam replied, making Ryan softly growl at the nickname. Once Sam was gone, Ryan then harshly pinned me to the wall. "Why were you ignoring me all morning?" he asked me with anger in his voice. "I didn't ignore you, you were too busy either talking to your friends or flirting with Stacy, the cheerleading captain," I replied to him.

Slap! Ryan then slapped me across the face. I just softly whimpered in pain. "Next time don't ignore me got it?" he asked. I just nodded my head yes in response. "Good as part of your punishment, you're not allowed to eat lunch." "But-" "But what?!" he snapped at me while raising his hand and slapping me once more. "Now go!" he demanded as he pushed me towards the door.

I then walked into the cafeteria and walked straight toward Sam who was sitting at our table eating. I then sat down and my stomach began to growl. Since I was only allowed to eat an apple for breakfast this morning, my stomach was empty. "Hey Colby, aren't you hungry?" Sam asked me. I glance around to see Ryan glaring at us. "Um no I'm good, I had a big breakfast this morning," I lied with a fake smile on my face. The rest of the day Ryan kept ignoring me, meaning he'll blame and punish me when we get home.

Time Skip

When we got home, Ryan aggressively pushed me against the wall. Making me hit my back in the process. "I thought I told you to stop ignoring me!" he yelled at me. "I-I didn't, you were the one ignoring me," I replied. Ryan raised his hand and slapped me on both sides of my face. "Now go upstairs, I don't want my friends to see you!" Ryan exclaimed. "B-But what about dinner?" I asked him. "No need, we're having take out," he said back. A tiny sigh of relief escaped from my lips. "Oh don't get your hopes up babe, you're not allowed to have any dinner tonight," he retorted. I opened my mouth about to protest when I saw him raise his hand, making me close my mouth. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go!" he snapped at me while aggressively pushing me towards the stairs.

I then grabbed my bag and hurriedly made my way to my room. Moments later, my door opened and Ryan entered with his bag. "Here I expect you to do both our homework as well as the project," Ryan demanded. "B-But we're supposed to work on the project together," I told him. Ryan then walked toward me and grabbed a fistful of my hair forcing me to look up at him. (A/N: Colby was sitting on the floor doing his homework) " For now on you'll be doing our project at home. Understood?" he asked as his grip on my hair tighten. "Y-Yes," I replied. "Good now get to work!" With that Ryan left, leaving me to work on our homework and project. That whole time I was working, my stomach wouldn't stop growling. I soon felt dizzy from not eating so I stopped working and took a break. After an hour and a half, I finished our assignments and got some work done on our project.

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