Jenny's Epilogue

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August 20, 2022.  Here is Jenny's final chapter.  I hope this wraps up everything decently and gives the story a more complete feeling.  Please Enjoy ^_^

"Come on Mama. Pleeeease! Pretty, pretty please," Maeve badgered Jenny relentlessly. "Didn't you say it's my birthday? I'm a big female. Nine years old." Noticing that she wasn't convincing her mother that way, Maeve changed her words. "Papa Shoal got his third stripe. He's strong and will keep us safe."

Jenny sighed deeply. Her daughter was relentless. Maeve was getting more creative with how she asked for things as she got older. Her tactics constantly changed showing her intelligence. She was already starting to read others and adjust her words based on their reactions.

'My daughter is scary,' she thought humorously. Taking a look into those expectant eyes, Jenny almost caved. "No is no," she said firmly. Noticing an extreme pout overcoming her daughter's face, Jenny's lip twitched. 'Here come the sad puppy eyes.'

Her wolf cubs had nothing on Maeve. "Mama, hungry," Jade said as she waddled up to Jenny. Her three-year old was always hungry and even had some pudge on her. Jenny was thrilled that she had a strong appetite and never denied her the food. It wasn't like she fed her daughter junk and she was far from being unhealthy.

"Okay, I'll get your snack," Jenny made it a point to avoid the heated gaze of her eldest daughter. She made a plate of fruits for Jade and sat her down with them.

"Mama Jen," Susu whispered. If Jenny didn't know to listen for the girl, she might have missed that.

"Would you like a plate too?" Jenny asked. Susu nodded shyly while gripping Jenny's pant leg.

Once the two were settled, Jenny went back to the current battle. "Maeve, I know you want to play, but the ocean is dangerous. Even with Shoal there to protect you, it isn't enough." She knew her daughter understood this, but Maeve was always very stubborn.

Maeve was a beautiful child. Jenny believed in various forms of beauty, but her daughter fell into this world's standard of pretty. She was a near carbon copy of Mestor. Anyone could tell that she would grow up to be stunning and it scared Jenny.

Over the years, they've had several run in's with ferals. One snake even tried to snatch Maeve. Jenny could not chance that again. But... She knew she couldn't restrict the free-spirited Maeve forever. "How about this? We can all go together." Jenny motioned to the sleeping Sieg, herself, and Maeve.

Maeve's eyes lit back up and she jumped around in excitement. As long as she got to play in the ocean with her brother, she'd be happy. It was so much fun to ride on Papa Shoal's back while Mama's youngest cub jumped around them.

Jenny smiled a little. A moment later, Maeve was asking for her own plate. Mestor chuckled in the background making her roll her eyes. 'What a helpful dad he was,' Jenny thought.

"Smells funny," Jade said from her seat as she sniffed Susu who was sitting next to her. "Not like Mama." Unshed tears welled up in Susu's eyes at that comment.

"Jade. We don't say things like that," Jenny scolded lightly. "It's okay Susu." She said as she comforted the child. Jade was as blunt as her father. Looking at her youngest daughter's empty plate, Jenny thought, 'She got his appetite too'.

"Why is Susu upset? Why is Jade wrong?" Asked the curious Maeve. She had been too excited about her beach trip pay attention before.

"Jade said something insensitive and it hurt Susu," Jenny said.

Jenny and the BeastsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant