11. Thoughts

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July 31,2022

 Thanks to Mestor's efforts, Jenny was informed of the city's happenings. Considering what happened yesterday, Jenny wasn't up to visiting the girl. Honestly, she didn't really feel like it. Bai Qingqing was sure to bring drama that Jenny didn't want. She was curious about a few things that Bai Qingqing would come up with, but didn't know if it was worth it to stick around the girl.

Jenny had read a lot of books. It was one of her favorite hobbies. She didn't usually like reading online novels and preferred to have physical books to read. Still, she was wiling to try new things, this novel had been one of them.

She hadn't enjoyed it. In fact, she found herself upset and frustrated most of the time. She had only read on because of her compulsion to see how it would end. She would rather finish a unpleasant book and never think of it again, than drop it and wonder if it got better somewhere along the way.

One of the things that pissed her off the most, was Bai Qingqing. Jenny had a cynical streak and preferred foolish characters to get what was coming to them. Bai Qingqing had major plot armor that protected her from every repercussion that her decisions could have. Her character was also inconsistent. Sometimes she was wishy-washy. Other times, she was bold. Jenny couldn't feel any love for her as a character.

Jenny shook her head. She had never tried to write herself and didn't know how hard it would be to write a consistent and likable character. She had read so many books with great characters that her standards had gotten high. Maybe she should try it one day, if she ever got back home that is.

Noticing her deviation form her original thought, Jenny retraced her steps. She didn't like Bai Qingqing and didn't want to force herself to interact with her. But...it could be to her advantage to try. Jenny knew all of the discoveries that Bai Qingqing made for the next year or two and could use that knowledge for herself. Beyond that though, Jenny didn't know what she could face.

Still, if Bai Qingqing followed the plot, it would be better to avoid her. Then again, Jenny was thinking far ahead. First, she should determine if she could even alter the plot at all by winning over Winston. If she could prove that things could change, then she may not have to avoid the MC and instead try to assist and change things. The thought of modifying the plot or even messing it up, got Jenny a little excited. Who wouldn't find it interesting to change things in a book that you weren't the most pleased with?

Jenny felt a little bad in that moment. It wasn't fair to the author. She could've worked hard on the book that Jenny thought so poorly of. Well... there was something she could praise the author for. Creating such a lengthy story would've taken time and dedication. It was also unique and stood out to Jenny. The setting and world building were not common themes that Jenny, a bookworm, had found. At least, it wasn't when she first picked it up. There seemed to be more stories like it now.

Finding herself giving a critique in her head, Jenny sighed. She did that to every book she read. Not that she ever actually left a review somewhere. Yeah... she figured she was thinking about something she needn't be. Hello, she was actually living and breathing inside a freaking book. But here she was going over a review that she would never leave. God, she needed to get up and do something.

That's exactly what she did. Since Mestor knew about the feral and insisted on hanging around her, she let him grab the fish today. If he wanted to, she was going to let him. She knew she was taking this all too seriously again and backed off. Nothing bad had happened to her and all of her fears had stemmed from her brain.

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