5. First Suitor

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Originally posted: July 17, 2022. Edited: February 17, 2023.

Harvey left to hunt for dinner after showing Jenny the way to the river. She marked her way again, just in case. Unlike in the village, there was much more activity around her. She would not be able to bathe in peace here. Instead she washed her hands and soaked her feet.

While sitting on the bank, Jenny looked around. Beasts were coming and going with bowls to fill with water. A few would jump in before leaving. The water was crisp and nice. She looked down and could see right to the bottom. Even though it looked clean, Jenny would be sure to boil the water before consuming it. She watched a giant tiger swim around and figured that would be a good idea.

Jenny checked her watch when her feet started to prune. The familiar motion somehow didn't fit in this setting. It was after five and Jenny went back to the house. It took her ten minutes at a casual walking pace. It was closer than the river in the village. Jenny made it back with no problem and decided to take all the kitchenware to the river to wash. She was not stopped or interrupted once. She got all of it clean and carried back bowls with water. She lost some to splashing, but it was better than nothing.

She watered the new plants lightly and refilled the bowls. Jenny tried to think about what she could do other than sitting there and waiting. The activity calmed her down and kept her from thinking too negatively. In fact, she was currently amusing herself. She was surviving in another world. Who else could claim that accomplishment?

Jenny decided to collect some sticks and twigs. She wasn't confident in her fire starting skills, but she could at least gather up some stuff to burn. She went out to do that. She figured wandering around alone would be a bad idea, but Harvey didn't mention it. She was in the city. The worst she would have to face is pushy beastmen. Since she wasn't considered pretty, her number of suitors was still zero.

Jenny picked up several sticks. She wasn't disappointed. Thanks to her undesirable status, she was able to think and relax a little more. She didn't have to worry about getting jumped by bachelors at every turn. She kind of thought that would've been funny, if a bit stressful.

Once she had an armful of twigs, she brought them back. She panicked for a split second realizing her mistake. She didn't mark her way home. She didn't go far and none of the other houses had a herb garden. She would find it.

"Female are you okay? Do you need help?" A stranger asked her. Jenny looked at the male who approached her. He had no stripes that she could see and was decently handsome. His tail wagged behind him and she guessed he was a wolf.

"Umm," Jenny thought about what to say. She was sure that asking for directions wasn't an invitation to court. "I'm trying to go back to the h-den. I just moved into the city and am not familiar with my way," Jenny added in her defense.

"I can help. Can I carry that for you?" He looked at her load of twigs and Jenny hesitated. He looked like he might take them from her. She decided to give up half and explained that she wanted to carry the rest.

The curious male asked about her habit of carrying her own stuff. He seemed really concerned. Jenny tried to explain her habits, but it only got the male asking more questions. Jenny huffed. The male paused and sniffed the air before starting to walk again. He thankfully didn't press the matter further.

Jenny found herself in front of her new home and she thanked the male. He introduced himself as Simon and he left looking pretty happy after. Jenny put down her twig pile and moved the pile that Simon put in front of her door inside the house.

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