13. The Anticipated Day

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August 3, 2022.

 Over the next couple days, Jenny's family fell into a comfortable routine. With two males in the family, Harvey turned his attention towards his doctorly duties. He would treat those who needed him and they paid him in return. He would need a crystal to buy a den here in the city, but none of his patients so far could pay him with that.

Jenny now had two males. Harvey felt he would need to leave soon. It saddened him more than he expected. Jenny made good company and offered advice on health practices that he found revolutionary. He felt it was a shame, but knew it was necessary. Simon aside, most males would not tolerate a male who was neither a mate or a guardian to stay so close to their female.

Harvey could tell that Mestor wasn't pleased with the situation, but the fox suppressed most signs of discontent. Harvey was impressed by the other male's emotional control. Even so, he was not willing to push it. He started sleeping in the common space of the den after Jenny got used to Mestor. He would eventually need to leave.

Harvey discussed it with the males of the house and they came to an agreement. Harvey would stay until Winston returned. Jenny expressed displeasure that lightened his heart. He hoped that Winston would accept her court. She deserved to have strong males protecting her. Harvey hoped that Winston was a male that would respect her wishes and unusual tendencies.

As soon as he earned a crystal he would buy a den as close as he could. At first, he found it strange that he wanted to be around a female that he was not interested in mating, but Jenny said that was normal for friends.

Friends... It was a new term that Harvey didn't dislike. He wanted to humor his selfish wish to stay close by, but felt guilty doing so. It wasn't something beastmen did. Females could easily misinterpret his actions.

Harvey thought of Bai and a smile appeared on his face, unbidden. Bai was unusual as well. He often wondered if she and Jenny came from the same place. Jenny wouldn't talk about the other girl's origin and Harvey would never pry. Bai didn't seem to mind his friendship with Jenny and that made him feel somewhat better. She was the only female who Harvey didn't want mistaking their relationship.

While Harvey made his own plans, Mestor and Simon alternated duties. They steadily increased the number of furs in the home with all of their hunting. They also made sure the firewood and bamboo piles were growing too.

Jenny took care of her crafts and chores while meeting with Bai. While they were being busy bees, Curtis returned. Jenny wasn't surprised at all, at least, not until she met the man. Jenny always loved fictional creatures, lamia being one of them. Curtis did not disappoint at all and shocked her speechless. The author had not exaggerated his beauty. He was absolutely gorgeous.

Picking her jaw up off the ground, Jenny had managed to introduce herself properly. Curtis greeted her coldly, but at least he acknowledge her to an extent. Bai's family of three seemed uncomfortable, but Jenny wasn't going to mess with that. That was all on Bai.

Jenny's involvement with the girl finally paid off. She gave Jenny some of the rice that Curtis had brought her. It wasn't much, but Jenny wanted to dance for joy. She was always a healthy eater, excluding the occasional cup ramen, but Jenny was dying for carbs. She took the rice and expressed her gratitude dramatically.

Curtis and Parker, who first looked at the gift to Jenny in disdain, softened significantly. Jenny didn't care. She got rice and she wasn't giving it back. Nope, it was hers now. 'Why did they struggle so much growing rice again?' Jenny knew that the males died from exhaustion, but not why.

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