17. Practicing Affection

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August 14, 2022.

 Jenny woke up hungry. She pushed her sore body up and noticed the lack of light. They had gone at it for most of the day. Feeling her face heat up, she looked down and met amber eyes. Gasping, Jenny covered herself quickly.

Mestor purred in satisfaction. He didn't mind the Jenny was feeling shy. No, if anything, he was so happy that his mood could not be brought down by anything. Mestor thought he would have to wait longer and was prepared for that. This change of plans was a welcome one.

Jenny kicked out the smug looking Mestor and cleaned herself up. Well, she went to, but found herself already clean. Her hair was even brushed out and free of tangles. Feeling her embarrassment climbing rapidly, Jenny tried for any distraction.

Catching a whiff of something tasty, Jenny realized she missed both lunch and dinner. Her watch told her it was just after six AM. Shocked that so much time had passed, Jenny got dressed. She chose a dress from her stack of clothes and wore it.

Jenny sat there reeling from what happened. She expected it, of course, but it hit her differently after the fact. She did it. She slept with Mestor and it was good. Good enough for her to completely forget about food. It was dark and she couldn't see well, so she used her little flashlight to find his mark.

Her limbs were bare and Simon's tattoo had no immediate neighbors. Gulping in anticipation, Jenny checked her chest. A red fox stared quizzically from above her sternum. Its body was mostly centered on her chest, tail resting on the right-most side her heart. Now she knew why Mestor looked so smug.

Jenny touched the new addition and Simon's. She now had two mates, not just in name. Feeling both excited and relieved, Jenny had to relearn how to walk out her door and act normally.

Over the next week, both Simon and Mestor were relentless. She didn't figure Simon was teasing her on purpose, but she was certain that Mestor was. Jenny didn't believe herself to be a sexual person, but they were making it hard on her. There were more times then not that she found herself swept up in a certain fox's pace or Simon's unintentional one.

Jenny wasn't adverse exactly, but she was going to hold off until she accepted Winston. At least, that was her excuse. Every time she thought of sleeping with him, her brain summoned up the image of his man parts. It was big. Definitely bigger than Simon and Mestor's. She didn't want it to hurt, but knew it might be inevitable.

It didn't help that they seemed to lack chemistry. Maybe that wasn't the best way she could put it. She certainly found him very attractive even if he wasn't her type physically. He was considerate, responsible, reliable, and so much good. He never pushed her or made her uncomfortable, but he kept his distance. Jenny assumed that she would have to make the first move if anything was to change.

She worked on approaching Winston any chance she got. Jenny gave him some really obvious hints, but Winston's density deflected them. Her choices were effectively reduced to, reach out and grab him or tell him directly. If option A did not work, she could try option B.

She saw Harvey a couple of times and Bai even less. Sieg showed up every single day for dinner. Everyone sort of accepted the gator's presence and moved on with their lives...not. A lot of beasts just assumed he was courting Jenny and left it at that. Others gave him openly hostile or suspicious looks as they kept tabs on him. Sieg treated them all like air and effectively ignored them.

In the meanwhile, Jenny caved a few times and let Mestor sweep her off her feet. Most of the times, that was literally. Simon would act depressed and had an almost visible storm cloud over his head. Feeling weak towards a sad Simon, Jenny found herself indulging him with something more than cuddles.

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