Bai's Story Pt. 4

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This is the last chapter of Bai's side story. I hope you enjoy the finale.  Jenny's epilogue should follow soon.  Maybe not today, but no later than three days from now.  Enjoy.

Posted August 19, 2022.

Two weeks later

Bai recovered slowly from her pregnancy while Harvey and Parker worked on stuffing her to the gills. "How much do you think I can eat?" She would ask when they went overboard. Her daughter cried and she tried to soothe her. "It's okay Susu. Mommy is not really upset," she cooed.

Susu quieted down immediately. Bai Qingqing sighed in relief. Her daughter would cry easily, but was soothed easily too. It didn't even need to be her, anyone else could achieve the same feat. Unless her daughter was hungry, then Qingqing was the only one who could do it.

She looked at her daughter who was now several weeks old. Her features were closer to Harvey's but her eyes were brown like Bai's. Her hair was still blond, but a little darker than her father's. Susu stared back at Qingqing as she spit out some bubbles.

Looking around and noticing the absence of Curtis, Bai worried. They had been gone several days now in an attempt to bring down St. Zachary. Bai shivered in fear while recalling the massive scorpion that kept her and her family from experiencing peace.

Bai was initially upset to learn that they allowed the ape king to ally with them. He was the one who started all this, how could she forgive him enough to work with him? It was a good thing she didn't actually have to see him otherwise she might not be able to do it. Curtis swore he would kill the ape king, but Bai worried he might escape in the chaos of battle.

The last two years of running for her life hardened her heart. Although she didn't want to condone killing, as she still felt it was wrong, the ape king had it coming. Bai got upset making Susu cry again. It lasted for only a moment as Bai calmed her daughter down.

Bai really hoped the plan worked. She desperately wanted to breathe again.


Curtis dodged the pincer that tried to grasp him. St. Zachary may have more strength and endurance than himself, but not speed. Winston and Sieg pressured the scorpion, but couldn't land any solid blows. The best they were able to accomplish was tearing off a leg. Sieg's maw, even at only four stripes, packed the same power as one of St Zachary's pincers.

Additionally, its stinger had a hard time piercing the lizard's tough scales. St. Zachary was now the most weary of Sieg after Curtis. Muir was many responsible for guiding them and picking off any scorpions that appeared to help with the wolf king aiding him.

Once all additional threats were eliminated, their real plan could begin. Muir dropped a stone vat on top of St. Zachary, signaling the start of their strategy. The scorpion failed to notice Muir thanks to the ape king's interference. The stone shattered as it hit his hard carapace and doused the scorpion in oil.

The beasts gave St. Zachary no time to contemplate what all the oil meant. The area they chose was stony and sparse of vegetation. They would not have to worry about setting the forest ablaze.

Muir descended to grab the second bundle from the ape king. Jenny had referred to it as a bomb. Once Muir learned of what a bomb could do, he tried to pry the information from Jenny. She refused him and he couldn't make her spill those secrets. Muir had turned his attention to the ape king and probed him instead.

The ape king only supplied Jenny with saltpeter, but did not know anything beyond that. Bard wouldn't tell Muir where he mined it either, further irritating him. He wanted to have that information for the future since it could come in handy. His gaze wandered to Curtis before flickering back to the bundle.

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