Spooky Season👻 Halloween: part 1

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A few weeks later...

Charlie's pov:

"Nick, did you hear that?" I exclaim. 3am halloween morning.
"No," Nick groans in response. Laid besides me on his back with my hand resting on his chest. I love feeling his heartbeat. "What was it?"
I jump up, resting on my elbow. "I don't know, i-it sounded like a howl of some sort."

We drop into silence for a minute.
Then BANG!
"There, you must have heard that right?" I question. But as I do, I realise that Nick's fallen right back asleep.

I roll my eyes and let out a huff, trying to go back to sleep.

I lay there in silence, unable to drift off, heart trembling at each slight noise I hear.

"Grrrr" comes a noise from right outside the window now.

I swear to god!

I nudge Nick and startle him awake.
"What's up baby?" He mumbles, more then half asleep.
"The noises! They keep happening."
"What noises?" He asks. "I can't hear anything."
"Shh, just listen!" I jab him.

The moment I finish my sentence, there's a knock on the window, right behind our heads. Nick and I both flinch.
"Okay, what the fuck was that?" Nick exclaims, pouncing upwards in bed.
"I told you!" I complain, but stop once I see how worried Nick now is.

Then another, CRASH!

I start trembling.
Nick jumps out of bed, sliding his feet into his slippers and grabbing his dressing gown from behind the door.
"Wait, where are you going?" I question, clearly knowing the answer, but not wanting him to go.
"Wait here, I'll be back in a minute." He replies, opening the bedroom door.
"No wait!" I shout. "I'm coming with you." I demand.
"No you stay here, I'll be back soon."
But I'm already up and grabbing my things while heading to the door.

I grab my phone to call for help as we head out, and a shoe, you know, just incase.
What the hell am I going to do with a fucking shoe?
I roll my eyes at myself, but it's too late now.
We are doing this.

Nick's pov:

I wonder through our corridors, out to the back entrance of our flat, with Charlie following closely behind.
I'm pretty sure he has one of my shoes in his hand. What the fuck is he going to do with that? Jesus I love this guy so much, but he's fucking crazy!

As I reach the back door, I turn to Charlie.
"Please, just wait here for a second?" He plead. "I'll shout you if I need help."
But he doesn't listen. He follows me straight out, shoe and all.

As the door opens, we hear a swoosh noise.
My heart skips a beat. Like literally jumps!
We head towards the noise, "If anyones there, come out now!" I yell.
We hear a slight giggle.
What the fuck.
"This is your final chance!"
"Come out now or we'll call the police." Charlie shouts.

A huff comes from behind a bush, before two figures emerge.
"I told you this was a bad idea!" One exclaims to the other.
"Shh, it's fine" says the other as they merge from behind leaves and branches.

My eyes focus on the figures.
"Tara? Darcy?" Charlie and I question at the same time.
"What the fuck are you two doing here?"

Tara's eyes shoot to Darcy.
"Ugh fine," Darcy begins. "It's Halloween." She says as though she's explaining it to us, though she really isn't.
Charlie and I look at her bluntly. She just stares back.
"Please continue." Charlie states blankly, intrigue almost showing in his voice.
"Spooky season, you know" she replies.
"Huh?" I query.
"Ugh, Darcy wanted to scare you guys and decided to drag me along" Tara actually explains, showing her clear annoyance at Darcy.
"Well, you guys did a fucking great job at that!" I laugh, trying to expel all the fear out of me.
"Yeah you literally scared the shit out of me!" Charlie comments. "Now fuck off and get some sleep!" He laughs.

"We're gonna get you back for this!" I shout as Tara and Darcy walk away.
"Yeah, yeah" Darcy replies rolling her head back and cackling.


Charlie's pov:

"Nick are you ready?" I call out from our bedroom.
"Almost, give me a sec!" He shouts from behind the bathroom door.

I throw my head back and roll my eyes, expelling a soft groan.

"I heard that!"

I need Nick's help with my outfit. We've been planning our costumes for weeks and Nick eventually worked out what he wanted to be. Whereas I never settled on anything.
Of course I didn't.

I currently have 3 costumes laid out in front of me.
•a princess
•a cat
•a Greek god

I've already worn them all once but I have literally no other ideas!
I need help!

"Okay, I'm coming out now." Nick begins, though laughing at himself as he hears the words come out. "Not that I haven't already done that, like, 7 years ago."
"Nick!" I laugh.
"Anyway, close your eyes."
"Fine!" I huff.

Nick's pov:

I leave the bathroom in my costume, positioning myself in front of Charlie. I know he's been struggling to find an outfit, so I thought I would help him out a little.

I place myself in line, holding the surprise for him in my right hand.
"Okay, you can look now." I state.

Charlie begins to peel his eyes open.
"Nick, no way!" He exclaims.

I stand there in a light khaki suit and nude bow tie, with a gold halo placed above my head, and a pair of matching wings attached to my shoulders. A similar suit held parallel to me, although this one a deep charcoal colour, with blood read horns and a matching tail.

"You like?" I question, knowing the answer already.
"Do I? Of course I do!" Charlie calls out, running towards me.

He jumps onto me, arms wrapped around my neck, and legs around my waist. Starting to peck at my face and neck.
"As much as I would love you to continue," I begin, hating what I'm about to say. "We should really get ready."
"Ugh you're right" he moans, jumping off me and taking the suit from my hand. "Thank you" He says calmly as he gives me a final peck on the check.

Charlie's pov:

"Wow, you look amazing!" Nick expels as he sees me fully dressed in my outfit.
"As do you." I reply sincerely. A grin plasters across his face.
"You ready?" He checks before getting up to go.
I nod, "you?"
He takes my hand and leads me out of our room.

We grab out things, and put Daisy to bed.
"We'll be back in a few hours." I let her now.
"Daddy and daddy love you lots." Nick adds.
"You know, we need to think of what we are actually going to be called by our kids." I state.
"What do you mean?" Nick asks, confused.
"Well we can't be daddy and daddy can we? Surely that'll be confusing?" I explain.
"Yeah, you're right." He laughs, "we need to sort that out. But not now, later. Right now we need to get going."
"I'm usually the one pushing us out the door last minute!" I laugh.
"What can I say, I'm a changed man." He replies.
"Yeah, yeah, you just want to show off our costumes don't you?." I mock.
"Hmm maybe..."

We jump in the car and head to Tara and Darcy's. As the car's turned on, 'Narcissist' by Baby Queen comes on. One of my favourite songs at the moment.
"Wait! Did you remember the thing?" I ask.
"The thing?" Nick questions. "Ohh the thing, yeah I got it."

I scream out the words to 'Narcassist' as we drive into the distance, Nick just laughs then joins in.

Todays going to be a great night!
I already know it.

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