Happy Housewarming

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Nick's pov:
It's the morning of our housewarming party and I can tell Charlie's getting a bit nervous. We've never really had a party in our own places before as we've only lived with our parents or at uni. It's different when it's your own home and you're the ones hosting it. Especially since Charlie wants everything to be perfect. But it'll be okay.

The party starts at 7pm but Tao, Elle, Tara, Darcy, Isaac, Tori and Imogen will all be here early. They said that they'll come to help us set up and get all the food and drinks ready. Until then though, we still have a couple of hours.

Charlie and I decide to have a quick once over of the flat before going shopping. We've only been here a few days so luckily, we haven't done much damage yet.
After we're done, we head to the supermarket to get food, drinks and any other party essentials. I focus on the food while Charlie goes for the drinks. But I can't work out what to get. I know we want picky food but I can't decide exactly what. I stand around the 'picnic food' for a while. Do I get things like sausage rolls, or do I just get snacks?
I end up walking up and down the isles trying to work out what to get. I pick up some Pringles, chips and dips, and some popcorn, I love popcorn, then I go to find Charlie. He's filled up a large trolly with an array of drinks. Smiling to himself as he hums to the music in the background. 

"What's up?" He asks as he notices me walking up to him confused.
"I'm not sure what to get" I respond.
"What do you mean?" He laughs.
"Do I get like picnic foods? Snacks? Pizzas? What do people eat at house warming parties?" I wonder with panic in my voice.
"Hunny, calm down. It's okay!" Charlie cries. "Come on, I'll help."

Why is this stressing me out so much? I guess maybe it's not just Charlie that's just a bit worked up about today. I wanted to be there to support him but now I'm the one that needs the help.

Charlie's pov:
Nick needing my assistance is actually good for me, it's helping keep me distracted. I thought it was just me who was a bit stressed about today but maybe Nick is too? He's normally really good at planning things, but today, he's stressing about the simplest of things.

I help him pick out some more snacks then we head to the party section together. We get some streamers and paper cups and plates before heading to the checkout.
We've barely got home when there's a knock on the door.

It's Isaac. Carrying a massive hamper full of kitchen wear, flowers and a few dog toys.
"Happy house warming!" He elates as we open the door. "This is for you" he comments as he goes to hand the hamper over.
I take it from him, instantly turning to pass it over to Nick.
"Aw thank you Isaac!" I say as I give him a hug.
Nick puts the hamper on the coffee table then returns to the doorway.
"Well, are you going to let him in?" He mocks as he reaches around me to embrace Isaac.

"Wow! This place is so nice!" He remarks. Isaac hasn't seen the flat yet as he's been really busy with work.
"Right?" Nick pronounces.
"You guys did good."
"We thought so" I add with a little giggle.

We take Isaac on a tour around the flat, not that there's much to show, when we get interrupted by another knock.
Nick runs ahead while I stay behind with Isaac.

Nick's pov:
At the other side of the door, it's Tao and Elle.
"Hi guys, come on in" I welcome them inside. I give them a hug, "Charlie should be in the bedroom with Isaac, he was just showing him around."

Elle and Tao wonder through into the bedroom to see Isaac. They haven't seen each other since Tao and Elle left for their holiday, so does Isaac know about the engagement? I keep quiet, not wanting to ruin the surprise if he doesn't know. But after a couple of minutes, Isaac points towards the ring.
"You made a really good choice Tao" he points out.


So, apparently, Isaac knew about the engagement before Tao and Elle went away. No one told him, he just knew. I swear Isaac knows everything! It's like he has super senses or something.

There's another knock on the door, this time Charlie goes to open it and I lead everyone else into the kitchen. As he opens the door, I can see it's Imogen. I run up to greet her and welcome her in. Imogen was round the other day to have a catch up, so she's already seen the flat.
"I forgot how nice this place was already!" She laughs, "my place looks so inferior in comparison".
"Imogen your place is great" I reply, "and you get to share it with Taylor, that's all that matters right?"
"That is true!"

The door goes again, this time it's Tori and Michael, with Tara and Darcy trailing close behind. It's nice to see Tori again, she's been so busy recently but she's so much happier then she use to be. Still her great pessimistic self, but just, happier in general.
We welcome everyone in, and supply everyone with a drink. After about half an hour, we've sorted the whole place out. So we now have about an hour to have a catch up and play a few games.

Tori asks Elle about the engagement, which I am very surprised about, while Micheal, Tao, Charlie and I play a few rounds of Mario Cart. Charlie used to be the king of Mario Cart, and to be honest, he still is. But he has his competition with Michael in this game.
After losing 4 rounds, Tao and I decide to get some food. Leaving Michael and Charlie to battle it out. We hear them yelling at each other, becoming more and more competitive each time they complete a round.
Luckily though, after about 5 more games, Darcy jumps in and decides to make us play something else.

After what seems like hours of playing games, I hear chatter outside. I go to open the door and see that people have started to arrive.
As we welcome more and more people in, the house begins to fill up. There's a few people from Truham, and some from uni. But most of the guests are family members.

We enjoy the party for a while but then I see Charlie getting a bit agitated.
"What's up?" I question as I lean over Charlie's shoulder.
"Oh hey," he says, "I, um, I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know?" I query.
"I mean I don't know!" He snaps. This surprises me, he hasn't snapped like this in a while. Especially to something like this. My expression must say everything because he instantly adds, "Look I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong. I'm going to our room."

I don't understand. I hope he's okay but why is he acting like this?
I decide to leave him be for a moment, to cool off and maybe work out how he actually feels or what's going on. I don't want to do this, but I don't want to make anything worse.

Tori sees me as Charlie heads to our room.
"Is everything okay?" She asks.
"I don't know" I reply, "I don't know what's going on."
"Do you want me to go talk to him? Big sister magic is always helpful" she questions.
"Yeah, maybe that's best."

Charlie's pov:
I feel really bad that I snapped at Nick. But I just can't help thinking about what Aaron said. He wasn't even invited today, he came as someone's plus one. Then he has the nerve to do this.

There's a knock on the door, the "Hey Charlie, it's me" a voice croaks.
It's Tori.
"Come in" I call out. I don't really want her in here, I don't really want anyone in here.

"Charlie, what's up?" She asks.
I still don't really know.
"Look, i know somethings bothering you so spill"
Ugh, I don't really want to tell her, but I have to. She has a way of drawing things out of me.
"Someone said something, about me and Nick"
"Who? What did they say? I'll beat there ass" Tori instantly goes into big sister mode.
I can't help but laugh, "Please don't, it was stupid. It shouldn't bother me, I shouldn't have let it get to me."
"Come on Charlie" she begs me to share what happened.

"Fine. He said that Nick doesn't want to marry me and that he's just using me until something better comes along" I begin. Struggling to speak the words said to me. "I know it's stupid and I don't believe it, but he said Nick will end up with a woman and I'm just his 'side piece' until he realises what he actually wants."

Tori jumps up and begins to storm out the room. "That fucking prick" she shouts. "I'm going to be-" her voice trails off before I have the chance to hear the rest. But I know what she said.

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