Shut Up and Kiss Me!

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Charlie's pov:
So, yesterday was a long day. We managed to get the majority of our things unpacked but we still have a few boxes left. We were all exhausted last night so decided to call it a day around 8pm.

We told everyone that we didn't need them to come back today, but they argued with us until we gave in.
Over the first couple of hours, we finished unpacking everything. But we decided we needed some more storage for the bathroom and maybe some more decor for the rest of the flat. It looks quite bare at the moment. Which I like but it doesn't quite feel like home yet.

We pop to the shops to buy what we need, then get to work as soon as we get back. We work in pairs, trying to get everything done as quickly as possible.
Tao and Elle began putting screws and nails in the walls, with them being the two tallest, we thought this would be the best idea. Nick and I teamed up, and as did Tara and Darcy to build the storage.

Once we are finished, we all collapse on the ground and just lay there for a good ten minutes before Tao springs up.
"Who else is hungry?" He questions. "I'm absolutely famished" he says in the most obnoxious voice he could.
"Me!" Shouts Darcy, "I'm bloody starving!"

We all agree to go out for food and drinks, as a way to celebrate. When we arrive, we order a round of drinks and some starters. Everyone wolfs down their food, including me. We were so hungry, we didn't speak once the whole time we were eating.
Once everyone has finished, Tao does a little cough, calling everyone's attention.
"Um, me and Elle have something to tell you all."

We all stop in our tracks, bringing all our attention to Tao and Elle. They reach for each other's hands and grip them tightly. Is this what I think it is or has something else happened?

No one says anything, we all just stare. So Darcy jumps in, "go on.."

"Well, um" Tao starts to talk, although he doesn't continue.

Elle springs to action, "Tao proposed to me!" She blurts out as she leans over Tao, wrapping her arm around him. "We're engaged!"

"Oh my god!" Tara and Darcy squeal in unison as they find the others hand.
"Ah finally!" I exclaim.
"I know, it's about time" Elle laughs.

I look over to Nick, he hasn't said anything. But I see that he's looking at Elle. I look over to her. She gives Nick a little wink, he replies with a nod as a smile forms.
"I'm so happy for you both" he calmly proclaims.

"You knew?" I whisper, shocked that he hadn't told me. Nick can't keep secrets!
His face goes bright red, "I- um". He begins, although nothing continues out of his mouth.
"He noticed my ring yesterday and sort of, guessed" Elle interjects, sensing the worry in Nick's voice.
He looks ashamed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't wa-"
"No, no. I get it. Don't worry!" I quickly say, trying to stop Nick from panicking or feeling bad.

It's up to Elle and Tao who and when they tell and how they want to announce it, not any of us. Even if Nick and I do tell each other everything, this isn't for us to share.

"We didn't want to tell you all yesterday and take the spot light away from you two" Elle's eyes meet Nick and I's as she says this. "But after speaking to Nick, we decided we wanted you all to know. We were going to tell you last night but the time never came. So we thought we'd announce it today."

"Omg no, you could have told us. But I want to know everything!" I plead. "So when exactly did this happen?"
"How did it happen?" Tara adds.

"Where's the ring?" Pops in Darcy.
"Darcy!" Cries Tara.
We all join in a laugh. Darcy always says inappropriate things, and we love her for that.

"It's okay," Elle begins with a little giggle as she passes her hand to Darcy over the table. "Well it was on the last day of our holiday. We were in Fiji and I was really hoping that Tao would propose while we were away. But it was becoming less and less likely."

"I wanted to propose on the first week" Tao chimes in, "but the perfect time never came. And then I started questioning myself and thinking, 'what if she's not ready?' and 'what if she says no?'. So I just kept putting it off, until I realised it was now or never." Tao recalls.

They begin to share the story of their engagement, it sounds so amazing.

"We had been to so many romantic places throughout the 4 weeks we were away. Every time I thought he was going to propose, he didn't. So I started to question if he was going to do it or not. But in the end, nothing was better then where he actually proposed. It was perfect."

We all join in saying how happy we are for the two of them, they seem so excited. We all want the best for them, and this is it.

I really can't wait for this to be me and Nick. And I think Tara and Darcy are feeling the same. We've all reached that point in our relationships. It's not a matter of if anymore, it's a matter of when.

"We need to throw you guys an engagement party!" Darcy 'suggests', it's not as though she'll take no for an answer anyway.

Tao and Elle look at each other, as if to check that this is okay. Without speaking, communicating through looks only, they agree.

"Fine" Tao moans, although I can see I little glint in his eye suggesting he's actually looking forward to it.
Elle decides to lighten the mood, "thanks guys, we really appreciate it!"

Everyone starts to discuss the party, beginning to make plans.
"How about August 15th?" Tara proposed after a short discussion about the date. Of all the dates previously suggested, at least one of us was busy.
"That works for us" I state after checking mine and Nick's calendars.
"Us too" Tao chimes in.
"Soo, do we have a date?" Darcy asks.
"I think we do!" Elle declares. "Now we just have to find a venue."

As everyone starts researching venues and recommending locations, Nick reaches for my hand, catching my eye. He stands up and gestures for me to follow him.

We get up and walk towards the bar, when he brings me to a halt.
"I just wanted to say I'm really sorry about not telling you about Tao and Elle as soon as I found out yesterday." Nick almost pleads.
I begin to speak but just after I open my mouth, he continues.
"I really wanted to tell you but Elle said her and Tao didn't want to overshadow us and had agreed to keep it quiet so they didn't take the spotlight away. I didn't want to break her trust but I should have told you, I should have told you straight away."

"Nick, it's okay! I'm not mad at you" I stop him from rambling.
"Really? But we tell each other everything." His voice cracks.
"Really! Tao and Elle are your friends too, and it was up to them when to tell us. It's not like they told you specifically, you figured it out. You did the right thing, and you let me know that everything was okay with them. That's all I needed."
"Are you sure?" He checks.
"Yes Nick! Now shut up and kiss me" I say with confidence. Probably one of the only things I can actually do with confidence.
He, of course, complies.

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