Clingy? We Don't Know Her

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Nick's pov:
Getting home from shopping I was exhausted but nothing could ever stop me from having my Charlie time. Charlie's been spending a lot of time at my house lately. Moving back home temporarily was tough for him. With his sister Tori having moved out, it was just him and Oliver dealing with his mums mood swings. I can't say I blame Tori to be honest, she seems so much happier out on her own. It's nice to see her like that.

Charlie's pov:
Once we made it to Nick's house, we made some hot chocolate then climbed into his bed. His mum wasn't home so we had the whole place to ourselves. We all know what that means...

I honestly love Nick so much. I love when we get to spend time together just the two of us, and soon this will be us everyday. I do worry about that though. You know, living together full time. Will he get bored of me? Will he realise how truly high maintenance and clingy I am?
"No we're not going there right now" I think to myself as I try to shudder my own thoughts away.
It's as though Nick can hear me, he always knows what to do and when. He positions himself so that he's facing me. With one hand propping up his head and the other gently stroking the side of my face, ugh he looks so cute!
"You know I can't wait to do this every single day right?" he says with a softness to his voice.
I think for a second before saying "are you really sure?".
"Sure about what?" he asks me, with a confused look sprawled across his beautiful face.
I think thoroughly about what I should say next, "I- I know I'm a lot to deal with, I'm so clingy and have so many problems that you have to put up with" I blurt out as tears begin to well, threatening to release at any moment.
I face my head down so that I'm staring at the ruffled bed sheets, not wanting to make eye contact with Nick, "I just want to be certain that you're absolutely sure you want to move in with me. You've been there for me every step of the way, and I am so grateful beyond words for that. But I'm giving you an out and I want you to really...".
All of a sudden Nick interrupts, "Charlie. Charlie look at me" he says. When I don't respond he gently lifts my chin up with his index finger, tears are streaming down his face.
"You know I love you and I never want to be without you right?" he begins as tears start poring from my eyes. Continuing on, never losing eye contact with me, he says "You're truly the love of my life and I want to spend every moment with you. Nothing you could ever do would make me want to leave you, I'm here for the long hall and I need you to know that".
I nod my head slightly, but a hint of doubt is still flooding my brain. Ugh I hate myself for always doing this. Ruining happy moments with these shitty thoughts.
Before I have the chance to say anything, Nick carries on. Again as if he just knows, "You say you're clingy? What about me then!" He giggles as he says this, as do I.
"I never want to leave your side!" he continues "Every second I'm without you my heart is longing for you".
At this stage we're both a mess, our faces glistening from the moisture of the tears. Nick softly wipes away my tears with thumb, the warm sensation is so comforting.
I know he loves me, sometimes these thoughts just force their way into my brain and I can't get them out. But Nick always knows what to say to make me feel better. I don't even have to vocalise my worries before he realises somethings wrong and jumps in to fight these thoughts with me.

Nick's pov:
It honestly breaks my heart to see Charlie like this. I just wish I could make all of this go away so that he'd never have to struggle again. But all I can do it try my best and make Charlie feel as loved as possible. Most of the time this works, he just needs the reassurance. It's no biggie for me, don't we all sometimes?
Charlie responds to me with a kiss before saying "I love you so much Nick".
I'm about to respond with an 'I love you too' when a thought quickly springs to my mind.
I have to ask "wait, do you still want to move in with me?".
Charlie smiles to this, "um yeah, of course I do Nick!" he says this so loudly as he can't help but scoff "why is that even a question?".
"Why are we like this?" I respond with a giggle as we both lean into each other. We rest our foreheads together then pull one other in as closely as humanly possible. Our lips passionately touch, tongues intertwined. God I bloody love this man.

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