A Charm for Hope (Part 1)

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The trio were now midway to Vacuo, they parked on a town with a museum on the middle. It was night, Max was snoring peacefully, while Ren started a new hobby to create music, so he was on his laptop and started making music. Devlin however was bored and decided to go outside.

Devlin: Hey Goku, I'm going outside for a while.

Ren however didn't paid attention and just nodded. Devlin just shrugged and grabbed his hoodie.

Our co-protagonist, was exploring the place. It was nice and not too shabby, he soon heard some 'clanking' sound in the alley. Hearing this he decided take a closer look, he covered his face with his hoodie and absorbed the ground using his semblance.

Devlin walked slowly towards it and formed a hammer from his fist using Osmosis. He was bout to take one step close until someone said..

???: Please don't hurt me!

Devlin was shocked at this, it sounded like a girl, so he used the flashlight to his scroll and pointed where it was. He was shocked, but not out of fear.

He saw a girl with white hair, with strange clothing

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He saw a girl with white hair, with strange clothing. She was raising her arms as an act for defense as she was cowering in fear, Devlin snapped out of it and reformed the hammer into his fist, and tried to comfort the girl.

Devlin: It's okay, relax, relax. I'm not going to hurt you.

???: Y-you're n-not g-going to h-hurt me are y-you?

Devlin: No I'm not. I'm just a friendly guy. Come, just let me help you.

He said as, he put out his hand for the girl. The girl was hesitant at first, but grabs it like it was no other option. Devlin slightly blushed at this but shook it off. He then took the girl inside of the Rust Bucket, Ren was surprised that his best friend brought a girl to the RV.

Ren: Hey Dev, who's she?

Devlin: I met her in an alleyway, she looked like she needed help.

Ren: .....I see... Why don't you take a seat.

Ren offered the girl a seat, which she accepted and slowly sat while shivering. Devlin handed her a glass of water, who drank it all with one gulp.

Devlin: Do you have a name?

???: Oh sorry, I'm Hope.

Ren: Nice to meet you Hope. I'm Ren and this is my best buddie, Devlin.

Devlin: Can you tell me why are in the alley?

Hope: It's complicated.

Ren: I think it's not that complicated.

Hope: Well...let's just say I'm trying to run away from my Aunt.

Ren: Why are you running away from her? Don't you love her?

Hope: She's not that kind of Aunt. She was abusing me thinking I have potential.

She then showed her scars. Devlin and Ren fell silence from this, they felt bad for Hope and thinking what are they going to do.

Devlin: Why don't you stay with us?

Ren: What?!? Are you crazy? Not that I'm against it at all. What will Grandpa think?

???: I think we should let her stay.

The two turned their heads too see Max, who was awake and grabs something out of the fridge.

Devlin: Are you sure Grandpa? What if her Aunt found us, especially Hope.

Max sighed, but not before giving Hope some ice cream.

Hope: I-i can't t-take this.

Grandpa Max: Take it, it's for you. I must've imagine that your Aunt hasn't been treating you right.

Hope hesitated, but decided to eat it anyway. Devlin was shocked that she ate it all so fast, he couldn't see it.

Grandpa Max: As for the whole hiding thing, we'll hide her here for a couple of days. Hope, is there anyone in your family other than your Aunt?

Hope: There's Uncle Hex, but he's in at an academy teaching hunters and huntresses.

Max slightly flinched at the name, but shrugs it off. The two protagonist agreed the plan, so Ren handed her his bed as he'll sleep in the dining room.

A/N: Hey author here.

This is going to be a short chapter for the debut of Hope or Charmcaster.

The reason why Ren starting a hobby for music because I was listening some songs on YouTube.
Here's one of the songs that I'm listening:

That is all and I see you in the next chapter

Journey around Remnant: Vale And Vacuo Arc (RWBY X Ben 10 X OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя