But seeing the child, seeing how she looked so innocent and so much like her and Clint...Seeing what could be her daughter made her open her eyes. It made her realize that she would do anything for her baby, she would never hurt her. She smiled to herself, knowing that it was a blessing and knowing that she would do anything to protect her family, her and Clint's family... And she couldn't think of a better way to die other than protecting her and Clint's child...

"Give me your best shot.." Katherine said to herself before closing her eyes, waiting for the final blow to end her...

"Katherine? Katherine? Katherine, wake up." Katherine heard someone calling out to her as she sat up in her bed, gasping for air. She looked panicked as she looked all around her and noticed she was back in her and Clint's room. She brought a hand to her stomach and closed her eyes, hearing a heartbeat in there, knowing everything was okay and she just had a nightmare, as she reopened her eyes and looked over at Clint.

"wh-what happened?" She tried steadying her breathing. "Is-is she okay? Tell me she's okay..."

Clint rubbed her back as she whipped her face with her hands. "You started kicking and turning in your sleep...I tried waking you up, I think you were having a nightmare.." Katherine just looked over at Clint as she let out a sigh. "who's she...?"

Katherine stood quiet for a second, trying to decide what to say. She was about to say something until someone opened the door to their room. Damn they needed to start locking it. "Stark." Katherine breathed out. "what's wrong?"

"Fury needs us, all of us. Now." Tony told them before running off, most likely to tell the others.

She let out a couple of deep breaths, noticing Clint was still waiting for an answer. She looked over at him before forcing a smile on her face. "Duty calls.." Katherine breathed out before jumping out of bed and throwing some clothes on. Clint didn't press the subject and she was grateful for it. She would tell him the truth when the time was right. She knows it was wrong of her to keep all this a secret but now wasn't the right time... But then again, when was?






All the Avengers met up in the main debrief room as they all waited for Fury to tell them what the hell they were doing in there. Once Maria Hill, Katherine remembers her from the attack on the helipad during the New York incident, shut the door, that's when Fury started debriefing them.

"There's a lead that showed up about an hour ago. Signals read that it's a weapon giving off giant amounts of energy." Fury started explaining. "We think it might be Loki's scepter. And we need you all to go retrieve it before HYDRA or anyone else can get a hold of it..We don't know what this weapon is or what it can do, but in the wrong hands it could mean the end..It's your mission to retrieve it."

Road To Redemption♥ (Avengers/Clint Barton Fanfic) [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now