Mission [Part-2]

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I stand next to Admiral Simpson and listen as my dad gives the order for the Tomahawks to be fired. I keep my eyes zeroed in on all of the names on the screen. They start the course to the target, for real this time.

We're listening to the reports from the operators and listen in on the rwadio transmissions from all of the planes when Rooster and Payback fall behind.

"Talk to me dad." Rooster whispers. I smile as he kicks it into gear, catching up. We listen as both miracles happen, and eventually, all that needs to be done is for them to come home. As the plant is destroyed, Admiral Simpson pats my back, signaling that he is in fact proud of my dad and the team for pulling it off. We all wait with bated breath as they fight off the SAMs.

"I'm out of flares." I suddenly hear Rooster say.

"Rooster! Evade! Evade!"

"I can't shake 'em!" I freeze. We hear more SAMs explode, and my fathers name is called out.

"Dagger one is hit! I repeat, Dagger one is hit!" Phoenix screams to control. I turn away from the screens and I discreetly hold onto Simpson shoulder to help keep me standing. I listen as Bradley asks again and again to circle back. Even Hangman wants to go get him.

"Tell 'em there's nothing he can do for Maverick. Not in a god damn f-18!" Admiral Simpson yells, his voice cracking as he looks at my broken face. All Daggers are ordered to return, but Bradley ignores them. I listen as Bradley turns off his radio. That's all I can do. Listen.

"Dagger 2 is hit! Dagger 2 is hit!" Everyone looks around frantically. I collapse with a cry, accidentally taking the Admiral down with me. I let go of him as Hondo kneels down to help me stand. I cry silently as the other Daggers return to base.

"Miss Mitchell..." Admiral Bates calls to me. I don't listen, and they leave me alone. A while passes and the radar suddenly shows Rooster's tracker working again.

"Did you lose him?"

"No sir, he's super sonic." I stop crying and look back at the radar.

"Comanche reports an f-14 headed for our location."

"But it can't be. It can't be..." Admiral Bates starts. Simpson makes eye contact with me.

"Maverick." The moment he says it, I'm running out of the room, to the aircrafts, and past the sad faces of the pilots and their WSO's.

"They're alive!" I yell as I keep running. Running up Hangman's ladder, I recalibrate his targeting system, and check his ejection handle.

"There's no doubt the bandits in the fifth gens are gonna be after them." I say to his confused face.

"I don't have orders, yet." He says. I shake my head and signal for the assistance of the take off crew. They do so even though they hadn't gotten orders either.

"It doesn't matter. Bring them back to me, ok?" I say seriously. He straightens up and nods, putting his mask over his face. I climb down the ladder and help prep the plane. It takes off, and I stay where I am, waiting for the news of their arrival.

"Mitchell!" ...Simpson.

3rd Person

"Mav, no!" Bradley yells as he's told to eject. Both men think of Aria in that moment. Both wanting the other to get back to her.

"It's the only way!" He yells. Bradley tries to pull the handles, but is unsuccessful.

"It's not working!" Rooster yells. Both men loose hope. Maverick says his sorries to Goose and Aria, as Rooster tears up at the thought of his darlin finding out about him and her father's death, praying that they would somehow survive, even though it's impossible. They both brace for an impact that is ultimately interrupted by Hangman. Both take time to process the fact that they were alive. Laughing in relief, they thank him for the rescue.

"Hey, it was your Aria that made me take off without permission. Thank her. I'll see you back on the ship, boys." Hangman laughs.

"That's our girl, huh Mav?" Rooster says as they begin to approach the ship.

"That's right, Bradley." They both laugh.

They come in for their rough landing, the plane's fires having to be extinguished before they leave it. The crew runs up to them, all cheering loudly. Bradley sees and hugs his teammates before he sets his eyes on her.

"Rooster, ya big stud!" Aria screams as she leaps into his arms. He's ready for it as he spins her around before letting her down, hearing the cheering get louder as they kiss.

"Heard it was you that had Hangman come get us." He winks.

"Not a moment to waste, Bradshaw. You know I couldn't live without you two." Aria says, and they both spot Maverick, moving in on him with open arms. The cheers start again as they engulf each other in a group hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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