Last Ride

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Three years ago, I met my dad.
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell. At 26 years old

Long story short, he had no Idea I existed. But since he'd found out, We'd been inseparable.

My mom had been gone since I was a baby. I never really knew her, but she'd lived in Fightertown when she had me, and left me in the care of my "grandma". She wasn't my blood, but she was nice old lady that cared for me enough to want to take me in.

I grew up there, raised by her and the pilots that reside in this town. I'd loved to watch them take off and land everyday, and at one point I was even allowed to visit the Top Gun school a few times. That's where I saw my dream job in action.

Ever since I could understand what it was, I'd wanted to be an Aircraft Technician, and the base closest to us was the perfect place to live that dream, and I did.

There, I met my best friend, Robert Floyd. I'd joined the navy by then and was eventually training to be an AT and he was selected to go through Top Gun. He's in LeMoore right now, living his WSO dreams.

My grandma had eventually told me who my father was, and after a while of me processing the information, she went through the trouble of helping me contact him. She sadly passed not too long after.

What surprised me most about my dad was that he was going to commit to being in my life. After a few months of meeting over at phone and video calls, He had THE Ice Man make some calls of his own, and I was moved to his program in the Mojave Desert.

Currently, I was finishing going over my observations for the aircraft our program has been working on. Dark Star is her name. It's a beautifully designed plane. She's my dad an I's pride and joy, and she's the fastest plane in the world. Or she will be. However, I won't see it until I get back from vacation. I'll miss one of her biggest moments. The Mach 9 test. I'll be taking a trip to Fightertown for a while, just to relax and be on my own. Catching up on 28 years of lost time in 3 years is a little stifling for my father and I.

I get off of work and get into my car after saying goodbye to my father. It's a while away from where we're stationed, but driving was the best option for me.

Hours later...
I pull up to my grandmas house. I missed this place. This is where I grew up after all. I walk around, looking at all of the details and decorations with a smile. Suddenly, I get a call.

It gets better I promise.

Darlin and Stud | Bradley Bradshaw Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang