Top Gun

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We make it to the base and Bradley escorts me to the classroom. Before we could go in together, Vice Admiral Simpson calls for me. I thank Bradley by kissing his cheek before making my way to the Admiral. We walk down the hallway and he brings me outside.

I see all of the planes lined up. He briefs me on the mission while I choose the plane for each pilot and WSO. Believe it or not, this guy is a sap. He's known me since I was a baby. He's one of the pilots that would help my grandma out, either by babysitting or watching over me at work. He remembered all of my quirks and he was probably the one that chose me to come here.

They stencil paint the names on the planes as I do my quick checks. I'll see the planes before and after every flight so that should ease my first day nerves. The admiral asked me to wait until Maverick introduces me so all I do is glance in the class, standing next to the entrance.

My dad walks out, and I glance at everyone's reactions. The one I'm not too fond of, is Roosters. He glares at my dad as he walks up. I furrow my brows. What is up with that? I try to rack my brain for any reason my dad would be on the receiving end of his wrath, but I can't find one. My dad speaks a little until he start to introduce me. I start to get nervous.

"The person in charge of your safety on this mission, the Aircraft Technician, will be none other than my own daughter, Aria Mitchell. She will be checking your planes before
and after take off each time so if you have any concerns, problems or questions, please refer to her." I walk past them, not looking at their expressions until I turn around.

I look at Rooster to see him shocked like everyone else, but also really deep in thought. Is he going to give me the cold shoulder? Does he regret flirting with me? Most importantly, what the hell did my father do to make him hate him?

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