The doctor came out and I could understand from his look but I hoped it wasn't the truth. if Karthik would end up dead, no one, not even Rohit can stop me from what will come next.

"the bleeding has stopped for now, but we have to perform a brain surgery soon. the moment he fell, he had a very huge blow on his head. we are looking for a neurosurgeon right now but everyone are in some or the other surgery. but still we will try our level best" he said

"what do you mean everyone are busy, aren't you a doctor go and treat him now" I caught his collar and didn't leave him until Rohit came and stopped me. 

"have some manners young man, call a doctor if you want to" he said and went away. I saw Vaishali tense up and go out of the hospital. everything is because of you. all this pain I'm feeling is because of you. how do you get to live when Karthik is on his death bed.

Vaishali's pov

"Shwetha ask Raj sir if he knows any neurosurgeon right now" I told her and she looked helpless. After the ambulance left everyone were looking at me with hate and disgust including Tara. Shwetha came in at the right time and took me to the hospital. she was very adamant on taking me o the office but I begged her to drive to the hospital. 

"you do realize that you could loose your license to practice, if you don't go there right now" she asked and I know what will be the consequences. But my job is the least I care right now when my brother is dying there.

"do what I asked you to" I raised my voice and felt bad for doing so the next second. she was upset and went away to call him.

I was going back in when I saw a furious Arjun coming my way.

He slapped me across my face with so much pressure that my head hurt like hell. my cheek burned with the intensity. my eyes started to water.

"are you happy now? happy that he is leaving me forever. the only good thing that happened in my life was Karthik and Samaira. you already killed one and the other is on his death bed." I didn't kill anyone, why would I kill my brother. why does he jump to conclusions.

"let me explain okay.."

"to hell with your explanation. even if the police prove your not guilty I wouldn't believe it still" and that second I knew he doesn't deserve my explanation. what's the use of explaining when he can imagine everything.

"leave this place this second" he said dangerously 

"I will not leave this place until I see Karthik" I said and the look on his face turned into something dark. I'm starting to see father in Arjun. Not again, father had inflicted enough trauma in me, I don't want the same to happen with Arjun.

"please as soon as he regains his conscious I will leave this place, I just want to see him once that's it and the next second I will leave you all and go away somewhere far" every word I said pained like hell. I used to do the same with Father, making up reasons and excuses so he would agree with me.

"never cross my path again" he said with hatred and went away.

I hate myself that I once loved you. I was a fool to believe every word you uttered. everything changed to perfect when you came into my life. but now you leave me with nothing but pain.

"here is the neurosurgeon's contact and Raj sir wants you in the office this second. everyone are assembled including the committee to cancel your license" Shwetha said giving me the contact. 

"call him and.."

"I called the doctor and he is on his way. his name is Tarun. anything else mam" Shwetha said having a void face.

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