Orange's face now also turned a shade darker as she took my hand and I led her outside.

All of a sudden though, she paused.

"But wait Pink our lunch break is only 45 minutes...there's no time to go to the Cyber Fields and back..."

The color of my face continued to darken.

"I know..."

I quickly pointed to a small strip of grass within the roundabout adjacent to Orange's office. My eyes shone mischievously causing her to laugh.


"I know it's probably not the best place for a picnic but-"

I stopped talking as she tightly squeezed my hand before looking into my eyes and smiling.

"No it's perfect Pink~"


I quickly set up a picnic blanket and Orange laughed as the blanket took up practically all of the patch of grass. As I got out sandwiches and drinks, Orange sat down on the blanket next to me with Momo, placing her head on my shoulder.

She took my hand and together we looked up at the clear sky of the Cyber City.

"Thank you Pink..."

I turned around to face her and her face shone brighter than all of the vibrant lights of the city. My heart pounded.

"Of course hun~"

Orange turned around to face me and she looked me deeply in the eyes with her face the color of burnt sienna.

"No Pink I mean...just thank you for everything ..."

As she continued to talk she began to fumble with her words.

"O-or I guess it might be clearer just to say thank you for all that you do for me...Not um...not just the big things but thank you f-for the little things too...Thank you for always packing me lunch, writing me sweet little notes, being such a good father to Momo, for holding me, for kissing me..."

I warmly smiled at her as she continued to ramble on because I loved her.

"...Thank you for putting up with all my silliness, my fears, my worries... my past ..."

Orange looked down for a moment before looking up at me with eyes full of determination.

"And thank you for always sticking up for me."

She smiled deeply and I reciprocated her look as our faces continued to darken. After a moment she quickly looked down and gave Momo's head a kiss.

"And um I'm sorry you had to get hurt doing that....

I leaned down to meet her gaze.

"Hun I would die for you."

Orange buried her face into Momo's small wisps of hair.

"Oh Pink please don't um do that..."

I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arm around her back.

"Okay then I guess I should say that I would almost die for you."

Orange gave a little laugh before looking up to me.

"That's why I love you Pink~"


I could feel my heart beat out of control as I looked down at my wife and child and I gave an extremely large smile which caused Orange to laugh. Embarrassed, I quickly gave Orange a sandwich and she happily nibbled on it in between giving bits of it to Momo.

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