Orange had drawn what Momo might look like as an adult and I could feel my heart swell. I looked at the tiny baby beside us and I gave a deep smile as I wondered what Momo might become in the next 20 years. What would she sound like, what would be her likes, what would her personality be like.

My face felt warm and Orange embarrassedly put her hand to the back of her neck. "I-It's not that good and besides she might not end up looking like this at all..."

I gave her a big smile. "I think it's perfect! I just can't wait to see the wonderful young lady Momo is going to turn into!"

Orange gave a big smile too before we both began to stare at Momo. Momo looked at us with as much surprise a baby could muster, she soon began to babble and I laughed.

After Orange gave me a quick kiss she began to flip through the pages once more when all of a sudden I could feel hot embarrassment rise on my cheeks.

On the next page was a crude drawing of Orange next to a perfectly drawn picture of myself. The drawing was held down by a pink Hello Kitty band-aid.

Orange gave an embarrassed laugh. "I just thought that it might be funny to use some band-aids in the scrapbook...I think it's pretty fitting if you ask me."

I buried my head into my hands. "Not the band-aids...I just thought I threw that drawing away..."

She squinted her eyes at me. "And I dug it out of the trash can because it made me happy."

I gave a slight groan. "I-It's just so embarrassing...especially next to your amazing drawing..."

Orange kissed my cheek. "I think that your drawing is just as amazing!"

Knowing that I would not be able to convince her otherwise about the drawing, I paused for a second before giving a mischievous smile. As I stood up and scooped Orange into my arms she gave a surprised gasp.

I began to spin around and she laughed. "P-Pink what are you doing?!"

I laughed as well. "This is what you get for embarrassing me!"

We soon turned into a giggling mess as we spun around but suddenly Orange yelled:


Giving her neck a raspberry I said. "You can't stop me that easily!"

She began to squirm in my arms. "Pink look at Momo!"

I stopped spinning and Orange and I both dizzily stared at Momo. She was using the side of the couch to stand up and was looking at us with furrowed brows.

Orange and I just stared at her both greatly surprised that she was standing up by herself and, in anticipation of what she was going to do next.

After furrowing her brows more Momo opened her mouth.



In shock I let go of Orange and she fell to the ground. Momo laughed and let go of the couch but in doing so she toppled over as well. As Orange quickly got up Momo reached for me and as I picked her up we both stared at her in shock.

As I apologized in embarrassment to Orange Momo cooed happily.


As Momo talked again, Orange gave a slight scream and I looked at Momo with wide eyes.

Orange and I both looked at eachother and she gasped.

"M-Momo said her first word!"

She grasped onto my shoulders and started shaking me.

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