Orange's eyes widened as she tried to give Momo a bottle but the baby definitely moved her head. She pulled Momo closer to her and focused on steadying her heartbeat. The world seemed to go on pause as she rocked her daughter in her arms.

Momo's cries began to soften and Orange was just about to give her head a kiss when 057 walked up behind her. As 057 tapped her on the back, Orange gave a surprised gasp which only caused Momo to cry again.

Orange whipped around to face him and sighed when she realized it was 057.

She continued to rock Momo in her arms. "S-sorry you started me...Thank you so much for your help back there. I didn't know what to do so I I just froze..."

057 smiled. "Hey don't worry it happens to the best of us!"

Orange looked at him embarrassedly. "I just feel as if I'm off my game..."

He squinted his eyes at her. "This is only your third week back after literal months of being gone."

Orange opened her mouth in protest but 057 continued.

"Also you've just had a baby which no one could have ever imagined to be possible! You've been trying to go back to work acting as if you were the same woman who left all those months ago but, you're different now ..."

Orange looked down sadly as 057 waved his hands.

"N-not that that's a bad thing! You just have to be patient and meet yourself where you are. You're here now with Momo and that's okay!"

Orange snorted as she looked back up to 057.

"When did you get to be so wise?"

057 smiled again. "Roughly the same time I became the Momo master, which was about 5 minutes ago."

She laughed. "And who allowed you to be the Momo master?"

057 started to make funny faces at Momo and she eventually stopped crying.

He shrugged. "She did."

They both started to laugh as the work day truly began.


Even though her coworkers had calmed down, Orange's work day was still hectic. She put on a brave face as she had to balance Momo, talking to clients, helping coworkers, and answering numerous questions about Momo and her existence.

Orange was thankful for the few breaks she had throughout the day and for 057 graciously helping her.

Orange sighed as she leaned back in one of the chairs in the breakroom. After feeding Momo she dug around in her backpack hoping that she had remembered to pack some sort of snack in the morning.

Instead of a snack, in surprise, Orange found a whole brown paper bag at the bottom of the backpack. She squinted at it in confusion.

"Did Pink forget to unpack this the day he went to the hospital? Oh gosh how old must this thing be..."

Out of morbid curiosity Orange tentatively opened the bag and peered at its contents.

She gave a slight laugh as she pulled out a marmalade sandwich and one of the muffins they had stolen from the hotel. At the very bottom of the bag was a note that Orange was very shocked to find was in Pink's handwriting.

"Thank you Pink~"

'Hey Hun~

It's currently 1 in the morning and even though my head hurts like crazy, I

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