Soon a sound from further down the alleyway made me whip around, I raised my fist, hungry for more.

My attention became fixed on the Plugboy in front of me, only something wasn't right.

He was shaking.

No anger. No annoyance. No scoffing.

Just fear in his eyes.

As all will drained from my body we stared at each other.

After what felt like minutes the plugboy made the first move.

He ran, and all I could do was watch.


When I was young there was fear in my eyes all the time.

From the moment I was spawned I was surrounded by a toxic workplace where abuse was the norm.

I lived in fear for most of my life.

Fear of making a mistake, being yelled at, being hit.

But one day I finally realized the only way to escape abuse was to become the abuser.

And so, in short, I became the best.

Fights, blackmail, scandal. Check.


Blackmail, ad block. Check.


Fights. Check







All other emotions were put on the back burner as I let anger guide me.

Anger at my abusers.

Anger at my inabilities.

Anger at being spawned a Pink Addison.

Anger at being spawned at all.


But, I guess I never stopped being afraid.

For the first time since I was young, fear felt real as I looked into the Plugboy's eyes.

Anger, for a split second, loosened its hold on me as I fell to the ground.


Everything felt numb.

Nothing made sense.

In an instant I was brought back to my youth. A place I didn't want to be.

I guess that's why I didn't notice her at first.

"And what's a poor thing like you doing out here all alone?" An Orange Addison cooed from behind me.

I stared as she rounded in front of me. "A Pink Addison and you're not even going to yell at me?"

The Orange Addison gave a small laugh before continuing on her way. After a moment she paused and sighed.

"You did a pretty good number on Pink 01"

With that I snapped out of my trance and made my way up to the Orange Addison.

"And what's stopping me from doing the same to you?"

The Orange laughed again and spread her arms open. "Because I'm an 01? As if that will stop you! Go ahead, do your worst."

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