1 - Crushing

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After some encouragement from Lucy, you'll find he likes to offer to do chores with you. Doing even the most boring of tasks is made at least tolerable by Woodie's friendly presence. Sure, mining rocks isn't really his thing, but he'll offer to join you if he can.

"Hey buddy, mind if I join you on yer mining expedition?"

You blink, stunned briefly by the offer and the sight of Woodie without his axe. "Oh, sure! Can I ask why you'd like to come?"

He smiles, shrugging, pretending he isn't only going to spend time with you. "Many hands makes light work, eh?"

The automation makes it very clear they do not like organics, and is often very cold and blunt. So you can imagine it's very hard to tell if they've got the hots for you because those traits don't ever change with WX-78. They're not any more gentle with you.

However, the one tip off you'll get is their interest in what you have to say. They obviously pretend they do not care for whatever you're saying, but mention you have a fondness for anything and they'll be the first to get it for you, citing of course that they wanted you to stop complaining about it.


"Um... thank you, WX... why did you bring me a frog?"


Being as deep into her character as she is, Wigfrid is really not ashamed to show her care nor her devotion to you. It's not in her to keep her love a secret when danger is just beyond the horizon in the Constant. So unless you're very oblivious, you're unlikely to not notice how she feels.

Wigfrid is also notoriously protective. She knows you can hold your own in battle– she makes sure of that fact by training you in combat if she must. But when danger strikes, she's never far from your side. There is no honour in leaving your allies to fight their battles alone, no matter what type of battle they may fight.

"The hardest battles are föught by the töughest warriörs, and yöu are blessed with Ödin's might! The beast was nö match for yöu!" She exclaims, pride and admiration as she gazes at you, tending to your wounds with care. Being rammed by a Rook doesn't feel so bad anymore.

Being a sweetheart and relying on you more when It's undeniable to say that Wes safer within the Constant when he's around you. He is no survivalist, so he typically relies on the group to help him when things get rough. The mine, however, relies on you the most. If anything happens to him, he runs to you for aid first before he gets anyone else. You make him feel safe.

So don't be too surprised when Wes comes running for you when the hounds attack; he means well! He'll even do his best to treat any of your bite wounds afterwards.

Besides being your damsel in distress, Wes is an incredible companion. He loves to listen to you, whatever you wish to share with him he'll eagerly listen to; he doesn't need to speak to make great conversation, and he remembers everything you share.

Maxwell is... Maxwell. Difficult, stubborn closed off, and wholeheartedly denies he has feelings for anyone. But clearly that isn't true, because he does seem to care for you no matter how hard he tries not to reveal that.

Really, you have to focus on what he's not doing. Slowly, he stops calling you harsh names or arguing with you as much. He still complains when you ask something of him, but not nearly as much as he does with the others. Maybe you find an oddly specific gift in your tent that you remember mentioning in passing, but he denies having anything to do with it.

"Huh. Someone repaired my thermal stone for me last night."

Maxwell scoffs. "It's about time, you've been complaining about that for nearly a week." He did not send a shadow puppet to repair it secretly while you were on watch last night. Don't be ridiculous, now.

Warly is both sooo obvious it's a little painful, but also not nearly obvious enough, considering he is so friendly and kind to everyone. But while he's open and friendly to the others, he holds a very special trust in you that gives you a couple privileges. For one, you're the first person the culinarian asks to taste test recipes. Even if you aren't much of a foodie, your opinion matters greatly to him, especially if it's a compliment.

"You're just in time, mon ami! I've made fresh fruit crepes. I've tweaked the recipe slightly, so it is not as sweet."

"I'm sure it'll be great, Warly. You're the best chef I've ever met!"

He is always practically glowing after you give him praise. Even Wilson, dubbed densest man in the Constant, can tell the culinarian has a thing for you.

Considering Winona's very friendly and chatty nature, it's not a real surprise that she's always joking around with you or offering a helping hand with anything that requires assembly. She's known for doing that for anyone surviving the Constant, so it's not very easy to tell at first what she really thinks.

But, eventually you find her touch lingers a little longer than usual, or she gives you a look that flashes in her dark eyes only for a second, or, when she's feeling brave, she asks about your favourite dates you've been on, or just your love life in general.

It's not even anything in particular, there's just an energy she brings whenever she speaks to you that is different, in a good way.

That phase doesn't really last long, though. Winona is a woman of action, and she's not gonna sit around and wait when she knows how she feels.

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