Chapter Twenty-five

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Maturity is the courage to accept defeat in good spirits
Maturity is the concern and care about others
Maturity is the acceptance of truth
Maturity is prudent response to reality

© Easyease _pen

"Dada! Dada! Dada!" The kids rush to greet their father, most times I feel jealous, I practicality carried them in my womb for nine months, I went through series of pains and emotional trauma, I cried myself out during labour before they eventually comes out, even though scan viewed two boys and I eventually had a boy and a girl still I expect the girl to show some love, women support women now? But nah! They both love their Dad. The rush to greet him whenever he's back from anywhere even if it's 10 times in a day but they never do that to me.

"Yeah! My champions! I miss you darlings.. who miss me?" He picked them up and throw them in the air one after the other, they were happy showing their incomplete set of teeths.  He went inside to freshen up and later comes out with them, they sat on his lap and they eat together, he feed them till they are full before he starts eating.

"Mama, you said you are going tomorrow abi"

"Yes o, I'm going, all my body aches, my body is not as when I'm still young and this your children are handful, they are not trying at all, let me go and rest in my house" she laments again.

"They are handful and are not trying at all, yet you want to leave my wife all alone to care for them, I remember you are the one wanting children running around the house? You said you want to carry your grandchildren what happened to that?"

"Gbe enu e soun! (Keep quiet!) A child does not tell an adult to put her legs together, it's very insultive and disrespectful. Abi Omolade?" She face me, I don't even know what to say.

"Ehnn mama, don't mind him, he is only pulling your legs" I don't want it to seems am supporting my husband even though he is right.

"Thank you jare my daughter, don't worry, when I get to the village I will help you to find a maid to come and help you"

"No mama!" My husband and I chorused together, she look at us from one person to the other, I felt embarrassed. "Mama don't worry o, my wife can manage, I will help as well, we don't need a maid. You can manage right?" My husband asked, I couldn't even reply with the look on Mama's face.

"Shior, you think it's someone that will seduce your husband?  And you too you did not trust me enough to give you good maid" haah here we go, I rolled my eyes.

"Haahaa I know you know better Mama, just that I can't cope with another person taking care of my children without being a family" we talked about random things before we retire to bed.

It's Saturday, my husband and I prepare the children, he cooked while I arranged the house, while he is done cooking, I am also through, we ate together.  Call from Ayobami came in through my husband phone.

"Wassup bro, are you there already? Okay we are through already." "Babe are you through? Ayobami said he is  ready to leave home." I nodded in reply. I carried Omotayo and he carried Omonike,  I picked the children bag I packed and we left for the hospital. 

The drive was silent, I don't know why but I felt it's not going to end well. "Why are you worried? They both carries my blood group,  this is just for record purpose" I just smiled to assure him that am fine, deep down; I am nervous, I just pray it will be in our favour, I regret what happened between Ayobami and I and I don't need anything to remind me of my past. "We are here" my husband said, we got down and went in to the hospital.

After a while, Ayobami joined us, we were sitting at the reception waiting to be called in, Shinaayo is playing with the kids, Ayobami is busy with his phone while I was sitting lost in thoughts.

"AY.. how are the kids doing?" Ayobami asked my ears perks up immediately.

"They are doing fine I must say" my husband smiled as he watch the kids play.

"You know, somehow is wish this never happened, I truly regret it, whatever the outcome of this it, I hope you forgive me?" What is he saying, nobody regrets it more than I do.

"I have long forgiven you bro, just that things can never be the same way as it was" my husband replied and Ayobami nodded in affirmation.

"Mr Williams right?" The petty nurse asked "you can go in". We stood up and entered inside the office pointed to us by the nurse.

My heart where pounding as I am frightened by the look on the doctors face. He's an elderly man, he smiled and give us a warm welcome when he saw that we all are not looking fine, his welcome makes us relax a bit, my fear disappeared.

"You are Mr Williams right? And you are Mr Olatunji?" He guessed right. "I have gone through the reports and in fact, I had the test done in two best laboratory to have an accurate results, ehnn.. let me ask you.." he adjust on his sit, somehow I begin to have water falls from my forehead even when the air conditioning is on. "Do you know about Superfecundation twins?" We all look at each other and chorused 'No'.
"Okay... It's nothing special, you see in my 30 years of experience, this will be the first time I am seeing it after all the years I heard about it". We are scared to hear the unknown.
"No.. it's nothing special, it just that it will make you both compromise and I believe with a certain level of understanding between you both, it will be solved." He wipe his unseen sweat with his handkerchief.

"Doctor please don't scare us, just tell us what it is, we came prepared for anything you want to share" I gave my husband a 'are you sure look' he is scared I can tell from his voice and I'm scared to death as well! Ayobami is the only calm person here.

"Superfecundation is the fertilization of two or more ova from the same cycle by sperm from separate acts of sexual intercourse, which can lead to twin babies from two separate biological fathers.." my mouth were wide open, my legs begin to shake. "It is a form of atypical twinning where, genetically, the twins are half siblings sharing the same mother, but with different fathers and it occurs when a woman has intercourse with two different men in a short period of time while ovulating, it’s possible for both men to impregnate her separately. In this case, two different sperm impregnate two different eggs."

"From the results here with me, the girl child is for Mr Olatunji while the boy child is for you Mr Williams, apparently Mr Olatunji is O- as well, as I said earlier, the test is done in two best laboratory that I know. I'm sorry for the news."

I don't know how but my eyes were heavy, I tried to keep it open but I couldn't, from distance I could hear the shout of my name, I wanted to reply but my mouth are not cooperating, I just succumb and allow the heaviness take over and I drift into a sleep slowly.

I'm shocked 😲😲 not again 💔💔💔 I thought Ayobami is out of the picture but he's here to stay🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️why is this happening to Lade😢😢 how will she cope with her life with this? It's a huge nasty blow I must say😒😒

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