Chapter Twenty

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The nature twinkle like little stars.
Its a born beauty everyone treasure the most.
The nature of women pick up pains.
Pains in her eyes smoulders .
Making oceans of treasures flow down her twinkle eyes.
Only the nature still bless women by easing their affairs.
Everything becomes glowing like a diamond in the sky.
Forgetting her pains
Forgetting her tears
Nature becomes scintillating as though nothing has happened.

© Easyease_pen✍️

Olamide just relocated to back to Lagos State, her husband got transferred at his work place, they were both happy when her husband got the mail, they've both been anticipating for his transfer, it wasn't easy for them in Kano; though not as when they newly moved there, things were strange from their previous life in Lagos, their food, language, culture mostly everything, she cried for almost a year before she begin to adapt, now that she has fully adapt for 7 years her husband got the news of his transfer, they were nervous to check with the fear of being transferred to another far state from where they were; on seeing Lagos their joy knew no bounds, no place like home! They both screamed, to them Lagos is home, a place for all, it is as if they were given their long lost joy, they didn't hide it and was happy to tell everyone who cares to listen that they are moving back to Lagos, one whom sees them can say they both look like children who were given candy, luckily it was on the mainland of Lagos exactly what they wanted, to them the standard of living on Island is high.

It's weekend and she is bored, her husband went out with his friends to catch up with each other for long time sake, her children went to visit her mum, she sent them there so as to put things in place, now that she is through and there's nothing left to do, she decided to stroll so as to get acquiant with their new area, she is already getting to the end of the street when she saw an elderly woman getting down from her car she felt she was familair with her face and decide to move closer it was then she remembered who she's, it was the mother to her adopted little sister.

"Good afternoon ma!" She slightly bend to show respect while greeting.

"Good afternoon my dear..." Upon looking closely "... Is this not Olamide?" She asked being that she felt her face is familiar.

"Yes ma, its me" she moved closer and hugged her.

"Ha..ha..ha! Olamide!! It's so good to see you again, you don't know how much we've missed you, even your sister tried reaching you on your page, she said you haven't been responding to her messages, how have you been?"

"I'm fine ma, am sorry about that, I lost my phone and couldn't retrieved my SIM because I wasn't the one that registered it at first. So, I'm using a new SIM card and about my page, am sorry about that too ma, there are hundreds of messages waiting for me everyday coupled with my family, it's not easy so, I can't reply all" she said hoping she will understand her.

"No problem my darling, how's your family and what are you doing in our area?" She enquired.

"We are fine ma and my husband got transferred back to Lagos, so we just moved in here, my house is not far from here, I never knew you are staying here as well, it's good that I won't be lonely as I thought, how's my sister?" She's happy to have a means of seeing her again,, she had been worried how she's fairing after what happened then.

"She's inside, do you mind coming in?"

"No! I'm happy that am seeing my baby sister after all the past years" she squealed.

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