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Dokja fell limp on my body, his skin turned pale like a deceased person. "I hope you get back safely." I place his body down and soughed softly. The earlier lively mood died down as I became solitary in the desolate place, "...I have never felt so helpless until I arrived here." It was as if something is weighing down on me. I knew from the very start that the moment I took on this challenge alone with the help of the other Avenger members would be difficult, that was because I was sure with the stones in me it was going to be fine.

But I was wrong, it has been months since the visions started changing from time to time. I can not use both stones at once every time, my body also has been failing me. "Oh great constellation Agamotto, guide me and help me for this world line's impending doom... The star stream's end is beginning." I took in a deep breath and try to foresee the vision once more.

In the dark desolate place of vormir stands Thano's gigantic body, Corpses of countless incarnations and constellations lay about. "... I have won in your world line... now, I'm sure winning is not a problem anymore."  The countless galaxy in his form twinkled and glimmered, "...Yeah, and I manage to kick your huge ass back there too." He chuckled menacingly and eyed Alyona with a burning fervor for killing and solely killing. 

"You can not escape your destiny... And it is by dying in my hands oh great holder of the infinity stones." In just a millisecond, Thanos who had been standing 200 feet away from her was now towering against her small form. Hands holding her by her locks of hair and a fist ready to strike her down.

With a gasp, I opened my eyes and saw I was still sitting in the same position as before. countless ringing and system messages flooded my ears and eyes. "It is this world's destiny... For Kim Dokja to end the star stream with the most perfect story." But somehow, those words were scarier. Because I know for sure, the moment the final wall was destroyed. 

[Constellation of prisoner of the golden headband is baffled.]

[Nebula Eden is growing even more wary of you.]

[Nebula Olympus is now showing their long hatred to you.]

[Nebula Asgard is questioning your identity]

[Constellation of the Korean Peninsula is shocked by your words.]


The real battle will commence, it is not a matter of keeping the star stream running. It is keeping this world line from living. If somehow Thanos won, or even just let Dormammu enter this world line. This reality will crumble and will lead to an incursion, Something I'm afraid might happen to my universe is threatening to happen in this very same universe.


I looked around and discovered what this place was. Then I felt despair, Damn, there was no doubt. This place was... "You don't have to be so nervous. I won't bite if you get closer." Kim Namwoon told me and I sighed.

I was certain. It was Tartarus, the famous prison of the Underworld. I glanced at the three-headed monster guarding the entrance of the prison. It was a Cerberus, a mythical monster dog. Two of its heads were dozing off while one head was acting as a lookout.

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