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"A prophet like us? Revived?" Alyona and I nodded, "Yes. At first, I didn't realize he was a prophet. Now it looks like he is. They knew the future as you." I elaborated to them. "Then?" Alyona sighed and caressed the hilt of her sword mindlessly with a wistful and terrifying aura shrouding her. 

"It seems like he knows a lot more than you do. He killed the Delusional Demon and another prophet showed up and revived him. The first prophet gobbled up the hidden scenarios in the beginning. Thanks to that, my plan became twisted. I took this woman with me because she will be beneficial."

"T-There is a guy like that? A-and that w-woman with you-" Of course, there was. Those people were right in front of you. "He even seems to be impersonating me. When we encountered him last time, he was on the verge of death but he is still likely to be active near Chungmuro as my ally here beside me said."

[The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' admires your impudence.]

[The constellation who loves to change appearance is smirking]

"...Chungmuro? Don't tell me?" Jung Minseob was surprised and opened his smartphone, tapping the keyboard like Lee Sungkook. Maybe he was informing the other prophets. "It is like this! Ah... then the third regression changed... You are Yoo Jonghyuk." Jung Minseob asked me a few more questions and I answered them briefly.

"That's why you got that girl instead of the Delusional Demon. She seems enough to replace Kim Namwoon. She overpowered me in one blow... And Kim Namwoon is not under me... He's under this woman..." Jung Minseob was deeply impressed and kept staring at Alyona with a twinkle in his eyes.

The most important thing was their misunderstanding. "But when listening to Yoo Jonghyuk's story, I seem to know who killed the Delusional Demon." Jung Minseob thought for a while before saying that. "...You know?"

"Yes. I said this before... let me tell you this in advance, not all prophets are on the same side. maybe like the pretty woman beside you who chose to work alone..." I expected to hear this conversation. If there were 48 who knew the future, there would be some people who thought wrongly.

"There are those who call themselves the Twelve Apostles. They believe they are the only ones who have read the real revelation and that they can change this world." 12 people. It was an exact match to the number of people who read up to chapter 50 of Ways of Survival. Exempt Alyona who speed read until the end of it.

"Why are they different from you?" They all looked down in shame. "They... they have read more of the revelation than us." We were right. "Right now, there are 11 known apostles. I'm guessing that the prophet that Yoo Jonghyuk-nim met is the last unknown apostle. and the one beside you... Well just like we said, she chose to work alone..." 

As they were creative people, they adapted when thrown into the scenario. This was a convenient misunderstanding. No, wait a minute... a misunderstanding?

If I thought about it, one of the 12 people who read up to chapter 50 would be me. "You don't have any good feelings towards the apostles?" "To tell the truth... that's right. Unlike us, they are planning to use the Book of Revelation to conquer this world." Why was my conscience pricked?

Alyona giggled and shook her head. "yeah, to get the ending they desired." I stiffen at her words, somehow I felt guilty. "They are the ones who pursue their interests and sincerity rather than stop the destruction of the world by helping Yoo Jonghyuk, Like what your ally told you. They are like the 10 Evils."

"10 Evils..." I asked once more. "That's why I would like to ask Yoo Jonghyuk-nim. Please lead us. Stop them." I see. This was their real purpose. To be honest, it was a bit surprising. I never thought they would need me because of infighting between the prophets. I thought for a moment before opening my mouth.

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