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Han Sooyoung was thrown into a cage. She was unconscious and probably lacking magic power after I took the flag from her. Han Sooyoung must've been moved to the area near here. She was a writer so she might have a management or publishing company nearby. 

"Aren't you quite good-looking? Hey, you haven't touched her already have you?" I watched them intently and gripped my sword tightly. "No. I know that the constellations are all gathered here." Constellations messages rang around, Exciting the incarnation hearing it.

[A constellation who likes obscenity is excited.]

[A few constellations have eyes that are shining lasciviously.]

White underwear was revealed by Han Sooyoung's torn jeans. There were men already playing rock paper scissors. I stared at Han Sooyoung beyond the bars. No matter how I looked, there were no signs that anything happened.  This woman would be a hindrance if she was left alive. She was the one who knew the most about this world, apart from me. But Alyona... If I go with my plan... She might have a hard time working.

I gripped my sword indecisively, The story had completely changed from the third or fourth regression from the first quarter of the story and the knowledge she had might be obsolete, but The moment I thought this, I shuddered with disgust at myself, I felt like I have committed a mortal scene. And Alyona's betrayed look flashed in my mind...Why was I worrying about this?

Killing someone because they would be dangerous in the future. Who should I save because they would be useful in the future? Alyona's feelings? I wasn't Yoo Jonghyuk to be thinking about these things. "Do you want to do it Dokja-ssi?" Deputy Yoon laughed as he saw me staring intently. It was an expression that said 'I can help you.

"If you promise me one thing, I will let Dokja-ssi do her first. How about it?" I sighed and tried to control my raging mind, "What do you want me to promise?" He sighed and smiled, "You have a group, right? Please introduce me to Dokja-ssi's group. We will soon start expanding our forces. Looking at Dokja-ssi's items... it is a pretty big group?"

"I can introduce you if you like. But I want you to stop this." I stared at Deputy Yoon as I said this, "Huh? Haha, Dokja-ssi. What does that mean?" I sighed and hardened my expression, "Let that woman go." This... I'll do this for Alyona's sake. Deputy Yoon's eyebrows twitched because he knew it wasn't a joke.

"Hmm...Dokja-ssi. What is wrong with treating people like this? If you have survived to this point, don't you already know?" My expression didn't change however, I just remained silent and indignant with my choice. "I have been watching Dokja-ssi for a long time. I knew that if it was Dokja-ssi, you could survive anywhere."

There was strange ridicule in Deputy Yoon's expression. "Aren't you always reading web novels alone? You always commute to work gloomily. Sometimes you would talk to me and a few other colleagues. They were good people like Yoo Sangah-ssi... You even brought a weird woman here, every lunchtime..." I knitted my eyebrows in query.

"What does that have to do with this?" I ask in a cold tone, "Dokja-ssi is enjoying the situation right now. Isn't that right?" Enjoying it? It was like aiming a dagger at my heart from a completely different angle. Deputy Yoon grabbed my shoulders and stared hard at me. 

"I am also like Dokja-ssi. We are on the same QA team. I heard the same nagging every time and lived with their contempt. Do you remember what the other departments called us? The training dummy team. We are cheap people who don't have any specs. We just test games." I was silent the whole he was speaking his monologue. "..."

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