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Alyona's Point Of View

And just like that, I was awake.

I gasped and hollered, I don't want to wake up. "Alyona," Wanda shook my shoulders and wiped my tears off. "I'm sorry! I didn't know what came over me!" Strange ruffled my hair behind and smiled subtly. Wong wore a serious look, But the nervousness could still be seen. Huh, how Irony... I promised the, I would help but now look at where we are. I continued crying at Wanda's shoulder.

The people around the vicinity were silent. "Strange... Can I see your eye of agamotto." he reluctantly shed his levitation cloak to me. "I need the eye of agamotto for future purposes, you won't min if I made a copy right?" he sighed and nodded. "Sure, the time stone needs the eye of agamotto anyways." Several constellation messages arrive simultaneously.

[The Constellation founder of mystic arts is pleased with his disciples.]

[The Constellation who loves to change appearance is displeased with Incarnation Alyona Ivanov's action.]

[Several Constellations are clamoring at the incident.]

[The Bureau is puzzled at the chaos.]

[A lot of Constellations are asking about the probability in this scenario.]

[A lot of Constellations are in uproar at what happened.]

[The Star Stream is looking at you.]


Everyone stared at the floating messages in the air. "Founder of Mystic Arts?" Strange stare at the messages. "Yeah, he's a myth-grade constellation... I guess he traveled here after getting bored at earth-616." He was shocked and had a stupid smile. "So, you find your Christine now?" His smile dropped.

"I guess not," He scratched his head in annoyance. "Wanda! You look great! Why do I get the villain vibe at you?" She turns around to my question. "Don't worry, I understand." She looks back at me with tears brimming her eyes. "The mind stone tried to separate me in that certain reality..."

She faced me and used chaos magic at me, her power is directed at my heart. And simultaneously at that, I glowed a bright yellow. Wanda bit her lips and cried at my chest."V-Vision." Desperate longing could be heard from him. "Wanda, Once I came back... I will make you a version of Vision with the essence of the mind stones for you." She cried harder at those words.

"Just, wait for me okay?" Strange was looking at the woman, He knew all her pain was not to be taken lightly. And he was glad Alyona was there somehow to soothe and ease the pain. Wanda calmed down and wipe her tears away. The color on her face and clothes is slowly reverting to its old and vibrant red color.

"We have a lot to catch up on." Lee Hyunsung looked at Alyona and gripped the spear in his hand tightly, This is the first time he see her be this happy. Sure she was happy with them, but this type of happiness is rare and different. "Dokja-ssi where are you now?" He looks around hoping to see Kim Namwoon with Dokja.



[The constellation 'Lady of the Brocade Sleep' is waiting for your response.]

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