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"But, we're gonna need to borrow a few gadgets."

~3rd Person POV~

"Bye mum!"
Y/N said waving to her mother as she got out of the car.

Her mum smiled and waved back.
"Have fun sweetie! And don't worry if you don't ace that test. It's ridiculous of them to expect you to take it in the first place."

Y/N nodded and her mother closed the window.
It seemed as if she was going to leave, but then she reopened the window and added, smirking
"Oh and say hello to Charlie for me."

Y/N blushed
She said, covering her face.

Her mum laughed as she closed the window one final time and drove off.

~Charlie POV~

The next day, I drove to school in the super-van because I wasn't totally sure what else to do.

Thank god for those rocket boosters 'cause I'm already late.

I ran into the school at top speed, but before making it to the classroom, I tripped and fell flat on my face.

I heard the sound of running feet approaching me from the right.
Whoever it was skidded to a halt right next to me.

I looked in their direction only to see Y/N crouching down beside me, the sun blaring down behind her, making her look weirdly ethereal.

The sun is literally making a halo around her head-could she be any more perfect?

"You alright there Kincaid?"
She asked, bringing me out of my daze.

I shook my head rapidly in an attempt to clear it, only making myself look more insane In the process.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good! I'm fine."
I said hastily, standing up and brushing myself off.

She straightened up and laughed.
"If you say so. Now come on! We're gonna be late for that test!"
She said, grabbing my hand and pulling me inside the school with her.


Y/N and I burst into the room and took our seats as the teacher gave us the mother of all death glares.

"You have five minutes to complete this test, no phones, Cheaters will be prosecuted."

What the hell is this place? A school? Or a courtroom?

Berger glanced at Y/N.

Time to put the plan into action.

We had placed one of the portal rings under the table that Berger saved for us, and the other one was placed in front of Lizzy who was covering it with a large textbook.

Y/N slowly slid her paper off of the desk and quickly jammed it under the table to push through the portal.

I heard a weird clap noise and looked at
"Did you just high-five? Through a portal?"
I whispered
She grinned.
"Yeah. It's so freaking cool. I love these portals."

Secret Headquarters: Charlie Kincaid x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant