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I stirred awake, and found Lam sitting in the chair dozing off. I looked at the clock opposite me and I realized it was like 2am. I tried to sit up and must have gotten his attention for he woke up and helped me to sit up.

"Why didn't you go home?"

"I wanted to make sure you be fine. So I wanted to be around when you woke up."

I smiled at him. I sat up abit more straighter and beckoned him over. Lam got off his seat and sat on the bed near to me. I jsut leaned forward and hugged him gently, thanking him softly for being around.

"Everything will be ok. I'm here. Don worry."

I hummed softly at that. I just laid like that till I ended up falling asleep again. Lam laid me back gently and kept watch the whole night. By the time I woke up hours later, breakfast was ready. He had gotten my favorite iced coffee and toast to complement the bland hospital food. We were having breakfast when my parents came in.


"How are you now Phana?"

"I'm OK. Just tired."

"We still need to talk about who may have done this but when you have recovered ok?" I nodded at my dad.

"So, Lam still here? Didn't leave?"

"Er I just wanted to make sure he was OK..."

"So Phana, who is Lam? A friend? Course mate?"

"Mae.. he is.."

"I'm his friend Auntie.. like Forth and the boys."

I looked at Lam. He wasn't wrong. But those words didn't make me feel good. I didn't want him to be a friend. But..

"You got really good friends Phana. To stay the whole night just for you?"

"He isn't a friend to me Mae. I love him. I haven't told him that only.. "

I confessed without batting an eyelid and just looking down at my breakfast. Lam dropped his food. I looked up and I realized Mum and Dad had that gleeful look on their faces whilst Lam just looked stunned.

"Looks like we will leave you two alone. Our job is done. Lam, look after Phana ok. I will come back during lunch. Don't buy food, I will cook for you too."

Lam just nodded absently whilst looking at me. My face reddened and I could feel it becoming hot. Lam sat down in his chair. There was this unspoken silence between us.

"Am I..."

"You aren't wrong to say that.."

I looked at him in surprise. How the heck did he even read my mind? He smiled at that.

"You aren't wrong when I feel the exact same way. I was just finding the courage to express it."

I looked down, being awfully shy suddenly. Oh my god. Seriously. Being shy over a confession that was only unsaid.

Just then I felt Lam's hands over mine. I looked up to see him utter "I love you too Phana."

I smiled involuntarily at that. And it was a blissful moment till my door opened and hell walked in.

Well in my opinion, hell did.

To Many More Returns (LAMXPHA)(COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now